Gluten-free for Granuloma Annulare

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Sally (Tennessee) on 09/16/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 63 yr old female with generalized granuloma annulare for 15 yrs now. It began as 1 lesion above my left knee and several on the back of my neck. Of course I've seen multiple doctors in multiple disciplines and tried countless medications. The only somewhat effective treatment has been oral steroids which can only be used temporarily. Over the yrs the lesions have spread absolutely everywhere. Symmetrically on hands, feet, shins, forearms, elbows. Showed up, stayed for months, destroyed the collagen and moved on to torment the next location. For the past 5 yrs my entire torso, upper thighs, and the back of my neck have been solidly covered.

I've tried removing several possible dietary offenders with no success, UNTIL 3 wks ago when I went gluten free. I can't believe this! My skin is actually clearing up! This is the most wonderful thing. Why has no one tested me for gluten sensitivity in all these yrs?

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Di (Pittsburgh) on 08/11/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Totally agree - caused by gluten intolerance - and elimination of wheat, and Apple cider vinegar is working for me.

Erika Rose (Woodbury, Ct) on 02/08/2016
5 out of 5 stars

HI, I have had this condition on and off for a few years got worse as I got older. Last year I had a flare up and not knowing what it was I suffered for months. I went to many Dr's no help. I slathered everything on me to no avail. I was finally told to try no gluten. (I also have a thyroid condition) Well no gluten, no rash!!! Just a thought to try. It took about a month for the rash to go away and if I eat gluten I immediately get a rash on my legs.

Good luck!!

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Nomore (Richmond, Va) on 11/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all... I just had to pass on my success with getting rid of Granuloma Annulare. I had it for about 3 years. I can't say this will work for everyone, as many medical professionals think this could be related to Diabetes and Lupus as well.

Go Gluten-free. I tried everything prior to my discovery of my gluten-intolerance. I tried things such as blood tests for diabetes, lupus, celiac disease plus allergy prick tests. Nothing helped me until I got a stool test. This test showed a significant intolerance to wheat. Once I removed this completely from my diet (and you definitely have to read all food labels! ), it went away. It also seems I have an intolerance to almonds too. I think with all the almond products out there, my body doesn't quite like them either. The removal of these two things completely cleared my skin.

I hope this can help someone! Good luck!