Magnet Therapy for Glaucoma

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Selena (Texas) on 11/25/2017
5 out of 5 stars

mygawd, I read about the "kitchen magnet" treatment for glaucoma symptoms, GOT UP AND GRABBED A MAGNET off the refrigerator, placed it gently over that eye and kept reading through cures and YES I FEEL A DIFFERENCE within about 5 minutes-when I go to bed that magnet's goin w/me to stay for the 10 minute treatment.

it is the strangest sensation, I feel like that eye is bulging-pushed against the upper eye lid and visible LOL but it's not the least bit noticeable BUT I FEEL IT and am tired of it.

was just diagnosed and cannot remember the reading either. LOL I knew something wasn't right!

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Karen (New Jersey) on 11/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I tried TimH (Louisville, Ky, Usa ) magnet suggestion from his post in 2013:

Betty: I do magnet therapy on my eyes to keep them healthy. Start with a common refrigerator magnet, the side that sticks to metal, over each eye for about 20 min. Daily. This will reduce inflammation and most likely the pressure also.

For the past two days, whenever I've felt increased pressure and pain in my left eye, I've applied the magnet (actually 2 refrigerator magnets one over the other to increase the strength) for about a half hour and immediately after, I've noticed relief. So far it's not a permanent cure, but my eye feels much better for longer periods of time. Thank you!!

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