Effective Natural Remedies for Glaucoma Management

Modified on Feb 07, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Juicing for Glaucoma

Glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure in the eye leading to optic nerve damage, affects millions worldwide. While medical treatments are primary, exploring natural remedies can offer additional benefits. This article delves into various natural methods to manage glaucoma effectively.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma encompasses a group of eye disorders that collectively target and gradually damage the optic nerve, leading to slow but progressive vision loss. In primary open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, the initial and often only symptom, is a gradual loss of vision. This condition is primarily caused by increased pressure on the optic nerve due to fluid buildup within the eye, which drains too slowly.

Other factors, such as the buildup of iris pigment granules or bulging of the iris, can also hinder fluid drainage and contribute to the development of glaucoma. Symptoms usually affect both eyes and include gradual loss of peripheral vision, sometimes with sudden onset. Other possible symptoms are eye pain, halos around lights, and nausea accompanied by severe eye pain. The primary goal in treating glaucoma is to reduce eye pressure to prevent further nerve damage.

Natural Remedies for Glaucoma

  • Glycerin: Used occasionally as an oral solution, glycerin can help temporarily reduce intraocular pressure by drawing fluid out of the eye, making it a potential emergency remedy for acute glaucoma attacks.
  • Fennel Seeds: Known for their antioxidant properties, they may help reduce IOP and improve eye health. They can be consumed as tea or used in cooking.
  • Frankincense: This resin has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to improve eye health by reducing inflammation. It can be used topically around the eyes or inhaled as an essential oil.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, omega-3s are known to reduce IOP and protect the optic nerve, making them a valuable supplement for glaucoma management.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: This herb may improve blood flow to the eyes, aiding in glaucoma symptom management.
  • Bilberry Extract: High in antioxidants, bilberry can protect the optic nerve and enhance eye health.

Eye Pressure Reduction Techniques

  • Eye Yoga: Certain exercises can help maintain optimal eye pressure and improve circulation.
  • Acupuncture: While some studies suggest acupuncture may reduce eye pressure, further research is needed.

Hydration and Glaucoma

Proper hydration is crucial, but excessive water intake over a short period should be avoided as it can increase eye pressure.

Testimonials: Real-Life Glaucoma Success Stories

Omega 3, Vitamin C and Gingko Biloba

Helen, from Beirut, Lebanon, shared her personal glaucoma story on Earth Clinic, offering a glimpse into her successful journey of managing the condition for over 15 years. Here's how she tackled glaucoma:

  • Omega-3: Taking fish oil supplements.
  • Vitamin C: Consuming 1000 mg daily.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Using one tablet daily.

This regimen led to a significant improvement in her condition. Their visual field tests showed remarkable progress, and her doctors downgraded her status from a glaucoma patient to a glaucoma suspect. The eye pressure decreased, and she reduced the use of their regular eye drops while continuing to see improvement.

Additionally, she changed dietary by switching from regular salt to sea salt for cooking and eating. This holistic approach aided her glaucoma management and significantly improved their overall eye health.


Jan from Canada shared her inspiring story with Earth Clinic in 2020 about battling pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, a journey marked by various treatments without success in lowering her ocular pressure (OP). After a decade of trying different methods, including numerous lasers and eye drops, Jan discovered a natural remedy that made a significant difference.

Jan began a daily routine of juicing beets, carrots, celery, lemon, and apples, immediately consuming fresh juice every morning. Remarkably, after three months of this regimen, her OP dropped from 30 to 16. This improvement was confirmed during two subsequent eye check-ups, where her OP levels remained normal.


Natural remedies can support glaucoma management. A combination of lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, alternative therapies, and regular medical care, can lead to better management of this eye condition. Early detection and consistent treatment are vital in preventing vision loss due to glaucoma.

Please keep reading to explore a variety of remedies for glaucoma recommended by our readers. These include glycerin, fennel seeds, frankincense, omega-3, and various diet and exercise tips. We're eager to hear about your experiences with these treatments from Earth Clinic for glaucoma. If you've used a remedy not mentioned here, we'd love for you to share your story with us!

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List of Remedies for Glaucoma