Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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Mark (North Kingstown, Rhode Island) on 08/24/2017
4 out of 5 stars

I've had genital warts for ten years or more, tried everything but surgery . These things are huge and just about all around the whole base and half way up my penis. I did use Apple Cider Vinegar on two on inner thighs one small one big. Big one came back and small gone. My question is as these things are so big is it gonna work and how do you make it stay there bandaids don't stick and tape ah no
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Chavi (London) on 08/22/2017
4 out of 5 stars

I used Apple Cider Vinegar on my Gw. Applied with cotton wool and band aid. After first time became white and after second time turned black! I then left it and they scabbard over and fell off. My only problem is that after those started going new ones appeared. I don't know if it's connected or not so don't know if I should treat the new ones. Anyone had the same thing?
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Tweety (Saint Maarten) on 06/15/2017
4 out of 5 stars

I was frantically searching for a cure then I stumbled upon ACV and it's benefits. My first outbreak required surgery where it was burned off however they came back and I was depressed. To make a long story short I tried the ACV remedy. Soaked some using a cotton ball and taped it down with a plaster. This time the warts were around my anus however very small but still visible. They turned white after just having it on for 15 minutes. I slept with it over night and by next morning they had reduced significantly. Even the cotton ball had black spots on it. I'm very pleased with the results. I'm would advise anyone suffering from genital warts to try. It has a lot of pain but like they say no pain no gain.
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Adaline (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 11/13/2016
4 out of 5 stars


First of all, I want to thank everyone who have shared their experiences about genital warts treatment using Apple Cider Vinegar, I'm thankful that it's working on me and your reviews encouraged me to give it a try.

On June 2016, I noticed small warts on both sides of my labia minora (vagina wall), they were like 20 of them each wall labia, I went straight to my gyn and diagnosed with HPV that causes genital warts. I was given a topical cream, called Effudix 1% (prescription) which should be applied 3 times in a week for 3 weeks max, I was also given a petroleum jelly to prevent any burn to the unaffected skin. It didn't burn at all, it wasn't painful, the effudix cream smells really unpleasant but I applied it anyway, within 2 weeks, the warts were gone.

On August, I noticed they came back with their friends on my labia minora and I wasn't able to afford any medical help, I live in Indonesia which is insurance for such disease isn't covered by the government. Then on November I found this website about getting rid of genitals warts with ACV, so I give it a try.

My warts are on both of my labia minora (vagina wall) like a lot, also on my vaginal opening and the vestibule (below urethral opening) like a size of toe nail, it's so big and gross and also on bartholin gland like 3 layers look like chicken's comb. It's so gross, embarrassing and totally killed my confidence.

First day (around 8pm) : I soaked a cotton ball then wrap it with gauze pad and bind it so it looks like tampon, as I describe my warts are everywhere, I'm afraid the cotton balls would be stuck on my vagina. I didn't experience any burn at first, the bigger one on my vestibule turned white in 20 minutes, then 10 minutes after it turned greyish/black, so I keep the cotton balls for like 4 hours. Because I have to pee so bad, I change the cotton balls with the new one, here comes the pain! It burns my skin (warts so bad) I wasn't even able to walk and crying on bed, considering this is working I continue for like an hour, at 2am, I need to pee and ready for bed, I saw small seeds on my tissue as I wipe, I'm so happy and go to bed!

Day 2 (around 10am): I noticed the biggest wart on my vestibule and batholin gland getting smaller and turning black also the black seeds coming off when I wipe my vagina with tissue (PLEASE DO IT GENTLY, FOLKS :) The pain is unbearable, so I applied the ACV on cotton balls for like 20 minutes and I couldn't stand it anymore. At night, around 8pm, after I took a bath, I re-applied it and it stung like crazy, I couldn't handle it and was crying because of the pain.

I noticed the biggest warts on vestibule and 3 layers on my bartholin gland are getting smaller and smaller, as the skin of the warts and the black seeds coming off too, YAY!

NOW the problem, I'm experiencing vaginal discharge, white liquid smells like medication (Idk, hospital smell?) coming off, and start to bleed, A LOT, the blood came from the biggest warts and the warts on 3 layers of warts on my bartholin gland. I stopped using ACV and keep applying petroleum jelly (vaseline or anything, I use the one my doctor gave me on June) it helps the sore and more black seeds coming off with the blood, I was shocked but relief at the same time.

If any of you experienced this before, I would like to ask is it normal for a big wart to bleed? HOW ARE MY WARTS NOW? It's getting smaller and smaller, and the group of warts on my labia minora are getting hard (I assume they are drying and ready to fall off?) the bleeding is not as much as before and my vagina discharge is aslo getting better, not as much white liquid as before.

I hope you guys the best on treating this matter, if you are able to afford medical help, please do! I'm sorry for my english as it's not my native language, feel free to help me with my question, THANK YOU SO MUCH, GOD BLESS YOU!

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Robert (Phnom Penh) on 04/04/2016
4 out of 5 stars

Just an update. Since starting daily application of ACV, it took about 3 weeks for mine to completely clear up. It was stubborn in the beginning and about 10 days in, I decided to break the skin of the warts with a sterile needle--you only need to break the surface--prior to each application. That helped speed things up because the ACV was able to penetrate the skin better. The stages were pretty similar to what this guy experienced here

I've been clear for about two weeks now, but I'm now noticing as the skin is healing up that there might be some warts returning--small light brown growths barely noticeable in well lit conditions. Once the warts turned into scabs, I stopped applying ACV to let them dry out, so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it. Maybe I should have kept up the application until well after they completely disappeared.

I've also been taking immune supplements to support my immune system, but I'm not really sure how to tell if there are any noticeable differences. I've been taking Host Defense Comprehensive Immune Support because I heard that Agarikon extract has strong antiviral properties specifically against HPV. For now, I think I'm going to start re-applying ACV to see if these new growths disappear.

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Jlove29 (California) on 12/06/2015
4 out of 5 stars

I am a 29 yr old female, generally healthy, eat well and exercise. I contracted HPV 10 yrs ago and never had issues until recently.

The past 6 months of my life have been very stressful with work, travel, and family. I have not been eating or exercising as well as I normally do, and have not been drinking enough water either. And I have been drinking more alcohol than normal and smoking marijuana.

Then a couple of days ago I realize the couple of bumps I have down there are not in-grown hairs or pimples. Absolutely horrifying to me to realize they are general warts. So so gross and embarrassing. It was the first time in my life to ever have them (and I am hoping my last).

First I freaked out, called my BFF, cried. THEN I made an appointment with my doctor, THEN I started researching home remedies and reading about Apple Cider Vinegar on this site. I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try.

I did not do the Q-tip Band-Aid method however. I was concerned about leaving the vinegar on the wart for that long.

Here is what I did. I just got some Organic ACV with the veil of the mother in it (I don't know what that means but apparently it's good for you). Shake up the vinegar, soak little pieces of paper towel OR a Q-tip in the vinegar, then gently press directly onto the wart. Leave it on for a couple of minutes, then get a fresh Q-tip / paper towel, soak it, press gently on the wart again. Repeat this process until each wart has been treated with ACV for about 10-20 minutes.

It will start to burn and turn white after about 5 minutes, that's how you know for sure it's genital warts. The burning is not so bad you can't stand it, but if it ever gets too much, just take the vinegar off the wart and end the treatment until next time.

I have been doing this twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. After 5 treatments, the warts are so much smaller, I can tell this is seriously working very well. I still have another 5 treatments until my doctor appointment, so I'm hoping they will be cleaned up by then.

However, I will say, it's important to still go see the doc when you get warts in my opinion. You have to make sure they are not inside anywhere, plus there are probably a few warts you can't see but are hidden in your private areas. I think I have one on my butthole and in one other area that's pretty hard to get to by myself with ACV. So, I'm hoping the doctor can just quickly burn those off, and then I can focus on just eating healthy and exercising and getting my body back in balance so I can suppress this horrible disgusting virus.

Final note, After the ACV treatment, I swiped my surrounding healthy, non-wart skin with Aloe because the little bit of ACV that touches it can make it dry and itchy.

So, Yes, ACV works well to reduce the size of the warts after just 2-3 days, and I'm sure if I keep using it it will remove the visible ones all together. But, I advise to go to the doctor too. Not something you want to take risks on with at-home remedies alone.

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Metoomagoo (Usa) on 10/05/2014
4 out of 5 stars

Day 6: I did not apply any apple cider/vit d/aspirin on day 5. Just put on some antibiotic cream and let things have a day off.

Most (if not all) of the plaque-like warts are gone. They wiped off. Not all at once. Gradually, little bits of tissue come off when I wipe.

The large warts are somewhat hard and noticeably smaller.

It is definitely working!

Still depressed. But keep telling myself I just caught a virus and there is no real shame in that.

Aj (New York, Ny) on 06/04/2012
4 out of 5 stars

So far the ACV has worked on the actual warts more than I imagined it would. I know I'll probably have a little white scar tissue left over but hopefully this will be better than the warts themselves. When I started I had a small cluster of 3 small ones and a very big ugly wart that I'd had for like 5 years, the cluster of 3 started turning black literally in like 2 days and after about 4 days in the shower I noticed they were gone. The really big one obviously has been much tougher due to its size and how long I've had it I'm assuming. I've been attacking it for about 2 weeks (though I have taken a day off here or there when the surrounding skin was getting burnt from the acid so I didnt make that worse). More and more of it began turning black over the span and a few days ago it got really hard. Yesterday most of it fell off with a small part of the wart that was the bottom still on b/c of how big it was that part of the wart never really got ACV on it.

I'll update if anything radical happens but at this point since what's leftover is really no bigger than the 3 that were gone in about 4 days I'm hoping this will be relatively easy compared to the 2 weeks its taken so far.


Emma (Pmouth, Uk) on 03/17/2012
4 out of 5 stars

So basically, I never went to the doctors to get diagnosed with GW I have had sex with 8 different people in the space of 2 years I went to the clinic twice in those two years with the all clear. I noticed the lumps quite a long time ago but I thought that it was damaged skin from where I used a toothbrush to masturbate regularly before I was old enough to go buy a vibrator. It wasn't til a few months ago possibly 5 or 6 months that I looked in detail at the area, just to the left of my vagina right at the top in line with my clitoris , a small cluster of clear bubble like lumps I left them for a long time thinking that it's unlikely to have actually contracted something, you never think it would happen to you, right! Well I looked at some google imaged of genital warts and decided that it exactly what I have, I paid £29 something for a cream on the Internet and it still hadn't come 2 days before I was due to have sex with this man I'm seeing.

I read about the apple cider vinegar on this site and at 11pm on Thursday night I put a soaked cotton wool ball on the infected area I didn't feel the burn to begin with I left it there for a couple of hours and took it off to go to sleep, they looked white ish like how your skin looks when you sit in the bath for too long. I woke up early that morning 7.30am and I began the process again left It on there for a good 4 hours they were then dark grey and with my pubic hair disguising them I was more confident to meet my guy that evening. Friday night came and went and all went well with sex- I wasn't found out. I'm now in bed at 11pm Friday night exactly two days later and I have no warts on my vagina I just took a mirror to look, bearing in mind I hadn't put the vinegar on since friday morning, they were a brownish scab and I gently pulled it off revealing slightly rough but healthy skin :) I'm so happy I don't feel it's necessary to tell my sexual partner about this as with warts there's no huge harm as long as you can't see them. I don't care if I have the virus :/ this may seem bad but I can't even imagine telling anyone about this ever! But seriously this treatment is amazing I didn't think it would actually work but 2 days later I'm looking beautiful down there again it's just relieved me so much hope this account helps anyone in a similar situation :)


Sugar Bits (Sf, Ca) on 04/10/2011
4 out of 5 stars

It's not that the ACV doesnt work because they come back, they come back because it is a virus in your body, not just your skin. The virus is still there even if the warts arent. Removing warts does help clear the virus, but a lot of people have to repeatedly clear warts. Not everybody clears the virus quickly either, if you want to clear the virus enough to not pass it on during sex with a condom, you have to excercise and up your immune system and keep up with these habits. I've have hpv genital warts for almost over 5 years because up until recently I was drinking alcohol and abusing my body.
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