Probiotics for Gastroparesis

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degandv (TX) on 02/03/2024
5 out of 5 stars

My battle for health after gastroparesis diagnosis.

I was diagnosed in 2006, by 2010 I was so sick I had to take early retirement. I ultimately became homebound for 6 long years. I followed Dr’s orders to a T, only to get sicker & sicker, preparing to die. A friend introduced me to specific product (I won’t name here bc people will think I’m trying to sell it) pro-prebiotics & a host of other good bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, cleansing, etc for my stomach. I decided to DOUBLE her suggested dosage bc I was desperate. Within 3 months I was able to fly across the country without assistance, handle all my own self care, eat at restaurants & be fairly normal. I also lost 4 dress sizes. I have continued with that same company but lowered my dosages & added other supplements for other chronic illnesses I have. I actually follow a modified KETO - low fat content. I eat gluten, lactose & sugar free. Within 18 months I went from 273-140lbs. I still have occasional attacks, mysterious stomach infections & all those things that come with this disease but by staying on the original protocol, adding other natural herbs, remedies as I learned more, my disease is under control. I recently added homebrew kombucha. The stuff in the store is expensive & if you make it at home you know what actually goes into your drink. It is a learning process & I made mistakes. But now I brew 6 gallons a week. Kombucha has replaced ALL my other water type drinks. I do a variety of flavors so I have choices all the time. Kombucha has health benefits too numerous to mention here, but it’s worth investigating. While it has certainly had a significant effect on how my tummy feels - which it doesn’t hurt now - it has also been improving my moving my Glomerular Filtration Flow rate, Creatinine & other tests related to illnesses Kombucha seems to have a positive effect on my overall health & it is helping my husband as well We are both in mid 70’s.