Dietary Changes for Gastroparesis

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Tricia ( Ca) on 09/06/2018
4 out of 5 stars

I was just diagnosed with Gastroparesis at The Mayo Clinic. I’ve been here almost two weeks with non stop testing. I spent two hours with the nutritionist and I was eating everything wrong which was not helping me at all. You need to start fresh with the food and first do a few days of just liquids then move on to rice, bananas, Greek yogurt, white bread, soup. You can’t eat red meat, no nuts, no candy especially gummies, and you can only have 1-2 grand of fiber per meal. They recommend 6 small meals per day. I love aloe myself and probiotics. I can’t stand ACV myself and I was raised in the natural food industry. I’ve been drinking ginger shots with turmeric. I lost 20 pounds and can’t gain weight, hoping this helps.

Does anyone else have a burning stomach with Gastroparesis?

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Kathleen (Milwaukee, Wi And Denver, Co) on 08/17/2015
4 out of 5 stars

My daughter was diagnosed with gastroparesis 12/14. A naturopath further diagnosed her with parasites. She's been on the GAPS Intro diet and supplements. GAPS is a very limited diet that heals the gut. Check out their website if interested. The key supplements are a probiotic, digestive enzymes, activated charcoal, ginger, turmeric, and garlic. My daughter was also tested for food sensitivities. She receives acupuncture and chiropractic care. Massage, Reiki, and counseling have also been helpful. She has improved a lot; the extreme weight loss has stopped and no vomiting. The bloating is still there and she has constant pain, however. The GAPS diet can take up to two years to be fully effective. Patience is needed! Our naturopath helped immensely. There are also GAPS practitioners who can support this route. My daughter is carrying on with her life, at a slower pace than before. She has a positive outlook and we know that she will kick this eventually.
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Person (Topeka, Kansas, Usa) on 07/04/2012
4 out of 5 stars

When my gastroparesis was so bad I could barely eat, I would put fresh raw fruits and veggies in a blender. For example, I might put spinach, kale, cucumber, pineapple, and peaches in a blender. At least I was getting some nutrition. Sometimes I added protein powder, because I eating meat or nuts hurt too much. I also found that avoiding gluten helped a lot. Others have told me that avoiding gluten helped them too, even though none of us have celiac disease. I gradually began to improve and never took domperidone.