Ginger for Gas

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Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

The best remedy for gas is ginger root extract, although ginger tea or ginger powder is fine. This will remove those gases from the stomach. If that doesn't help, you may limit bacterial growth with mannito added to the ginger tea (without sugar) or ginger supplement as this will prevent bacteria from sticking to the intestinal wall so they don't ferment harmful chemicals. And you can add on top of that oat bran everyday. The best is actually prebiotic, not probiotic, which means adding leeks, garlic, onion to the diet to have a normal intestinal flora, and alkalized which means 30 minutes after a meal you take say 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda at dinner and lunch for example. I have taken an interest in ginger because they limit lipid peroxidation, which doesn't mean much to most people but it means a great deal to me as it prevents artheriosclerosis, liver toxicity from oxidative chemicals and restores normal intestinal flora, and perhaps sleep.


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