Lavender Oil for Gallbladder Attack

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Anna (Evans, CO) on 09/06/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Wow. After supper last night my sister had another severe gallbladder attack. We already ran out of pain pills and after $4000+ in urgent care bills she decided she didn't want to spend that much again just for acetaminophen. After searching the web we tried the Apple Cider Vinegar/Apple Juice mixture. After 3 minutes she threw it up sending her into worse pain then before. We tried the ACV and apple juice once before to try to help with the pain and she had the same reaction, vomiting and worse pain. Then we saw the one comment about 1 drop of PURE ESSENTIAL OIL OF LAVENDER IN A TALL GLASS OF WATER SIPPED SLOWLY BUT STEADILY. She said it tastes terribly bitter but Praise the Lord, within 5 minutes the pain level went from 10 down to 7 and she stopped shaking from the pain. Thank you so much Jim for sharing your discovery of this use for Lavender oil. I hope the ACV and apple juice works for those of your reading this, but if not please try the lavender oil. I'm so glad we did!
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Sherry (Kalso, Bc Canada) on 02/13/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hi I wanted to say thanks for this suggestion. I have recently started having attacks and found out I have gall bladder sludge. I checked out this site and found the lavender oil to be something I could both afford and consume without gagging. I am amazed!! It really has cut the attacks and pain down to almost nothing!! I put a drop in a large glass of water and just sip it all the time!! An extra benefit has been the freshest breath of all time! Thanks again for a great idea :)
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Jill (Bronx, New York, United States) on 12/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Biliary Pain (Gallbladder, Sphincter of Oddi, Pancreatitis)

Although I had my gallbladder removed 9 months ago, I still get the classic "attack" pain every now and then. While I will get this checked out with my doctor (it is most likely a 'Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction') in the meantime I discovered a fantastic remedy that relieves the pain within SECONDS.

One drop of pure 100% essential oil of Lavender in a tall glass of water. Sip it slowly and steadily. I went from doubled over and delirious in pain to blissful relief in no less than 30 seconds (and have not had an attack since). I make sure I always have some on hand just in case though. A nice side-effect was it relaxed me so much I enjoyed a lovely afternoon nap! Lavender is on the FDA "GRAS" List (generally recognized as safe) for ingestion. Make sure whatever brand you purchase is 100% pure essential oil (not diluted with jojoba or other carrier oils... those would not be suitable for ingestion).