Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice for Gallbladder Attack

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Missi ( Chipley, Fl) on 04/11/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I've been having major gallbladder attack for about 2 yrs least 3-4 times a week....they lasted about 6-10 hrs..puking, pain, would rather go thru child birth..been using epsom salt so awhile, has always worked but lately it hasn't been working, so tried the apple vinegar n lemon juice n 4 ozs of water...WORKED BETTER THEN ESPOM SALT...STICKING TO VINEGAR N LEMON JUICE....GOOD LUCK EVERYONE...
REPLY   11      

Elangelique (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 12/25/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I had many attacks prior to finding the solution here with ACV. That helped immensely with immediate relief. The interesting thing to note for me was that I had an Ayurvedic doctor tell me to take, upon first rising, 2 tsp ACV 1 tsp lemon juice mixed in a glass of water. I had done this religiously for almost 11 months and have had awesome results with no attacks. The funny thing (or uber painful thing) is that I just woke to a major attack and am feeling that my 2 days of missed morning ritual has had an effect on my system! I see how the effects of NOT taking my morning "alkalizer" I call it, can wreak havoc on me. Here it is Christmas morning at 3:14am and just having my symptoms slowly subside. Hmm, maybe I'll run into Santa! I truly believe that this morning "alkalizer" balances my system.

The side effects have been that I lost weight on it too! I follow the ACV lemon juice (all organic) with a glass of "sole" (pronounced So-lay). The water/salt solution of Himalayan sea salts and water from a jar. 1 tsp of Sole with water before or after the ACV mixture. For 1 thing it prevents me from having coffee first thing in the morning and know that it helps to bring my PH balance into alignment.

If you don't know, the most important thing is to have the body in an alkaline state... For most diseases do not live in an alkaline body, only in an acid body. Research this yourself. This was shared with me by my holistic practitioner. All good information to share for better health! Our bodies know what is wanted. BTW I know that my niece of 6 years craves the vinegary taste and likes just 1tsp ACV with water now and again. (At times she craves pickle juice). Well, my symptoms have subsided and know that I will not overindulge even though it is Christmas. Off to bed before I run into Santa and surprise him!

REPLY   14      

Sp (Austin, Tx) on 11/27/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I had a gallblader attack about 8 months ago and did the apple juice and ACV and it worked very well, I then improved eating habits and had no problems but after Thanksgiving I began noting some discomforts and just thought it was "overeating. " The next day the pain began at about 4am, but I had no apple juice this time. So I did a mixture of ACV and Lemon Juice and within 5 min the pain was gone. Thanks