Red Wine Or Grape Juice for Food Allergies

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Paul (Lansing, Mi) on 12/10/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been allergic to shrimp for about 20 years. Not life threatening, but very painful cyst on tailbone about a week after eating it [ took a long time to figure that one out ]. I had a doctor slice and drain it 3 times. About a full cup of the smelliest bile ever. I heard that wine killed bacteria in the stomach so I started drinking a glass of red wine a day. After about a month I ate some shimp on purpose. No problem. Became a member of a church that didnt allow alcohol drinking so I switched to grape juice, same effect. In my case, red wine or grape juice worked. Maybe Apple Cider Vinegar will work the same, I don't know.