Manganese for Food Allergies

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Mark P. (Silver Spring, MD, USA) on 04/26/2008
4 out of 5 stars

In paper published by the late orthomolecular pioneer Dr. Carl Pfieffer (MD & Ph.D) he found that some patients who weren't responding to his allergy protocol of methionine, calcium, zinc and manganese did better of high dose manganese. One patient in particular, who had a wide range of food allergies was told to try 50mg of manganese gluconate or amino acid chelate twice per day. The man felt a little better so slowly he began increasing the dose until at 300mg per day he experienced a marked reduction in symptoms and over time regained weight that he'd lost because of inability to eat protein. Dr. Pfieffer said it takes many months for manganese therapy to work. I'm trying it because of increasing difficulty in tolerating protein. I'm also on lithium and Klonopin and I suspect that lithium is implicated in my worsening allergies. His paper is on the Web. Mark/Maryland, USA