Eliminating Carbonated Beverages for Food Allergies

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Ann (Tx) on 02/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

It didn't matter if it was diet coke, coke, diet sprite, sprite, sparkling water, etc. They all made my scalp, back, arms, face, just about anywhere on my body burn. Soda made my skin feel dry and burn like it was on fire. At times my skin turned so red I looked like I had a sunburn. My dr's thought I had eczema. He said that allergies can bring on eczema. When I washed and combed my hair it would come out like crazy. Lots of breakage. I lost hair everywhere on my body. My allergist said it was from the carbonation (co2). So anything that has carbonation in it I avoid. When I stopped the soda my skin stopped burning within 1 day. My hair loss and breakage also stopped just as fast. My skin is back to normal too. I hope my experience can help someone. My heart goes out to all of you.