Essential Oils for Folliculitis

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Showing 3 Star Reviews

Emie (Baltimore, MD) on 10/13/2008
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

My 18 month old has been battling folliculitis for a month now. She's been treated with a topical and oral antibiotic with little success. I went to 2 different doctors and neither one tested her for MRSA because they said her pustules were not 'bad enough'. So I went to an herbalist who told me to give her Oil of Oregano but she refuses to ingest it (it's very strong and tastes horrible) so I use it topically mixed with olive oil. I use a tea tree mixture to clean the rash which seems to help but it keeps coming back. Anyone have any suggestions for herbal treatments that she might be able to tolerate? I'm going to try tumeric but I doubt I'll be able to get her to eat it even mixed with something.