Apple Cider Vinegar for Folliculitis

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Marie (NY) on 12/05/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I have dry itchy patches of eczema spattered around my scalp and it caused me to have thinning hair in the itchiest parts near my crown and just behind the ear on one side. I mix a solution of straight ACV Organic Braggs with the Mother, with two heaping tbsp of Manuka Honey. I recommend a jar of it on AMZ by the brand Manukora. If you can afford to get the higher quality, it will be all the better but the lower tier honeys still do wonders for healing the infection on the scalp, clearing the irritation as well as restoring the skin itself. So you mix it together in a little bowl and then with clean hands or a hair dye brush from a supply store, apply it thickly to your itchy spots. massage it in and let it set in your hair (yeah, pretty sticky and weird looking during the process) for like 30 min to 1 hour. Then shower like usual (avoid crazy harsh soaps, hard water etc. while trying to fix this) -- I have seen a nice difference in hair coming back to the thin spot by my ear and above my head. I hope it works for you.

PS ACV and Manuka are so amazing for lots of other skin infections too such as staph/mrsa.

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Elle (The Netherlands) on 06/30/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi All,

I posted about this issue before. As a sufferer of this condition for 8 years, I feel it is good to give an update because I now finally have it 98% under control. I was (mis) diagnosed with folliculitus decalvans a couple of years ago. The dermatologist prescribed low dose roaccutane. It cleared up the condition until I stopped the medication and the problem came back. So here is what I know, how I control it, and hopefully it can help someone out there.


Hats, stress (especially in situations in which I feel I don't have control, or not feeling good enough), not sleeping enough, not washing my hair EVERY SECOND DAY.

What made it worse/did not help:

Turmeric paste, yogurt, honey, castor oil, tea tree oil, all kinds of anti acne products, zink ointment especially, washing hair with anti dandruff shampoo, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, changes in diet

What helps:

A small dab of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar on the problem spot morning and night. DO NOT douse all surrounding tissues on your scalp with vinegar!

I believe if you treat small pimples like problem skin, the surrounding tissues will start to act like problem skin and so spread the condition. If it is in my hair where it is not visible, I usually just leave it alone, and it will dry out by itself.

For visible hairline problem areas:

  1. Leave a pimple until it forms a yellow head for as long as you can. Otherwise bring it to a head with a warm washcloth.
  2. Dab it with apple cider vinegar once or twice a day, until it pops. Be careful not to spread pus.
  3. Once the lesion is drained and DRY (30 minutes later) cover it with a thin layer of benzoil peroxide. That's it.

Drinking green tea and lemon water and eating lots of vegetables speeds up the healing process too.

Good luck to anyone who struggles with this disease. XXX

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Maya (U.s) on 06/29/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I've had folliculitis for 6 years on my buttocks, and nothing helped. It was all over my buttocks. I was so embarrassed by that, and never told anyone about it. I tried many creams and antibiotics but didn't see any major impact. I tried using apple cider vinegar (organic) only 5 days ago. I'm so happy to announce that my folliculitis is 99% GONE!!! I can't believe how lucky I am to come across this solution. It is absolutely magical. I used it on cotton ball and applied 2-3 a day. Didn't drink it at all. It does wonders. I never thought it will work this good.
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Miss_jo (Boston, Ma) on 04/10/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have Folliculitis and been using straight up Apple Cider Vinegar for about 1 1/2-2 weeks now and it's working for sure and I saw immediately results. I started off using it twice a day and now I use it up to 3-4 times in a row and the bumps get huge and it pops with a little blood and puss. Yes it's very very very painful and burns when you apply the Vinegar, but I deal with it since I just want it gone. I honestly think it would've been gone by now if I had not scratched or rubbed out of desperation for relief. When I itch I just rub with ACV on my hands lol, or I scratch real quick (aggravate it) and then I apply ACV all over and more bumps pop but also form, so I try to avoid touching the area all together if I'm not cleaning it.
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Larry Drake (Canada) on 11/24/2015
5 out of 5 stars


I came to this site and read various home remedies. I thought I'd give the vinegar a try.

I had a bump that started 6-10 weeks ago, then progressed into a sore that became painful and swollen. I went to the doctor, they prescribed me antibiotics. It seemed to take the initial swelling down but didn't get rid of the lump that was now discharging. I decided to look up other remedies and that's when I came to this site. I read about the vinegar so I thought I'd give that a try since I have that available.

I soaked a gauze pad or cotton ball in vinegar and washed the lump/bump area with the vinegar. It immediately broke and began discharging blood and puss. It stung too but I didn't mind. I treated the sore like this 2-3 times a day, washing it with vinegar as much as I could.

Well I have noticed almost immediate results and continue to experience some relief. The vinegar initially drained the sore, which the doctor said was good. But it also seems to have shrunk the lump/bump and have begun to dry it up into a smaller little, less painful lump. It is not discharging anymore either which is a good sign to me.

I'll give the vinegar a thumbs up. It seems to have worked in shrinking the lump but also making the redness, irritation and drainage go away. All good things for me because this initially freaked me out.

Thanks everyone for their tips. I'll keep using the vinegar and update once I see how things progress.

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Joe (San Diego, Ca) on 02/26/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Check dis out I have always wondered what I had on my chin area white heads dat would go away when I shaved and then come back tried everything would go away 4 a minute and then get used 2 whatever I was using and come back what a bad feeling 2 b out and your whole face looking clear and these pus filled bumps wud start coming out on my chin area please please try da ACV apple cider vinegar it works can't believe it finally a million thanks 2 all da peeps who posted on having follicoltis dis changed my life woot woot!
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Baden (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/17/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Make it simple. I have suffered a lot from folliculitis for 3, 4 months at the pubic hair. No antibiotic cream nor doctors could cure it until I read this article. I used straight apple vinegar applying once (sometimes twice a day). In a week, the miracle happened. It was gone. Thank you so much.
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Natalie (Doncaster, England) on 01/08/2011
5 out of 5 stars

just wanted say that I have had folliculitis for over three years, I had tried antibiotics, creams etc. I began to lose hope...... Until I came across using apple cider vineager 50/50 solution on the affected areas. In my case face, chest, torso sometimes legs. It worked almost immediately, within days, when I don't use the vineager solution it gradually comes back until I start to bathe the areas with the Apple Cider Vinegar again.

I also find that sea salt scrubs and baths help too. I wanted to post this as it is the only thing that has made a dramatic difference to this horrible condition. I hope this helps some one else.