Eye Exercise for Eyes: Weak Vision

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Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 03/04/2014
5 out of 5 stars

When I was very young, eye exercises brought my very deteriorating eyesight back to normal. I just used eye rotation. I actually got idea from reading the comics fun facts. At much older age eye exercise don't help as much. I benefit more by eye relaxation. Just goes to show that one must experiment to find out what works for their situation. Also remember that wearing eye glasses will worsen ones vision so unless you really have to use them, minimize wearing them.
REPLY   6      

Man (Sojouring America) on 02/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I like Evan's comment here. I have a bit of poor near sightness developing I have noticed in the last short time. Some one had mentioned somewhere that taking a small grid and reading through it helps. I took a salt shaker lid and put it over one eye and cover the other one with my hand and read the smallest print I have and then look up and read what I have printed on a page about 6 feet away alternatively. It has lessened the annoyance of the one eye having a slightly poorer vision for reading.

The difference in vision was making reading a head ache to me but this exercise of using pin hole salt shaker lid as a "pin hole" glasses, it has really helped.

Is my vision perfect now? No. But am I able to continue to read with less annoyance? Yes. So, the eye exercise is a big winner and the pin hole type glasses also.
REPLY   4      

Kitti (Sterling, Va) on 02/09/2013
5 out of 5 stars

This exercise helps instantly! Thanks v. much for sharing your tip.
REPLY   3      

Evan (Hastings, Florida) on 03/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Nobody has tried this here yet so I thought I'd put my 2cents in. I'm 40 yrs old and have always done, what I call eye exercises. You need to be outside in a large open area and what you do is hold your hand over one eye and look at something as far away as you can and then look at your other hand, close to your face. You do this back and forth as fast as you can for 30 seconds, and then switch eyes. You don't have to cover your eyes, but if you don't your domanant eye will get most of the workout. When you feel like your eyes have done pushups you have done a good eye workout. By the way I have 20/15 vision!
REPLY   30