Avoid Poultry for Essential Tremors

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Karen (Tn) on 05/15/2023:
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This is not true, at least in this family, I have had essential tremor all my life and am a complete vegetarian, have never eaten meat, so too is my older brother, who is 65, has had essential tremor for 1 year, or father whom we got it from was 75 when he got his ET, he had a head shake, also complete vegetarian.

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Nevin (Atlanta) on 06/10/2020:
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This is very interesting because I've had an essential tremor for a long time and according to Eat Right For Your Type (blood type) I should not eat any poultry. I had a bioenergetic assessment done that indicated I should have no poultry. I had a Chinese body type assessment done and AGAIN it indicated that I should not have poultry. Thank you Jessica!

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Jessica (USA) on 06/10/2020:
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A naturally occurring chemical called harmane is associated with essential tremor. It is present in meat, but is in very high concentrations in chicken (and I assume other poultry). The theory is that people who develop essential tremor cannot clear harmane as well as those who don't. Anyway, it stands to reason that it might be best to avoid chicken and poultry if essential tremor is an issue for you or runs in your family. https://www.medscape.com/answers/1150290-61693/what-is-the-role-of-harmane-a-heterocyclic-amine-hca-in-the-etiology-of-essential-tremor
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