Multiple Remedies for Epilepsy

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Babyangel (Sinton, Texas, Usa) on 06/26/2012
4 out of 5 stars

Hello, my name is Katie. I had mild epilepsy since 11/12/2004 when I had my first grandmal it was induced by stress from seeing my mother stay in hospital 1 month (shes ok now) I took phenytoin 500mg for 11 months, the side affects were HORRIBLE! I was fine for years I knew to avoid foul stong odors such as from nail polish and hair coloring that made me feel I may have a seizure if I was around that odor long. I had a few close calls I drank herbal tea called chamomile to relieve the "yucky" feeling I may have a seizure. I let the tea bag sit in the coffee cup of water I put in microwave 2 mins sit in the water 15mins to make it stronger, if it was an emergency I would get the chamomile tea stems and chew on it like gum, I had 1-3 mild nocturnal seizures each year I knew it was about to happen when I felt the extreme "deja vu" feeling. I started to take a herbal vitamin called valerian root since I had trouble sleeping.. This worked very well 2-3 each night and I had no more nocturnal seizures

I started getting older so, like many other young adults drinking became common for me. My finst few yrs I was fine having 6-8 beers. Then around oct 2011 I started to binge drink 10-12 beers at a time 2-3 times a week until I had a simple partial seizure feb 15 2012 from the bad hangover that triggered it. I did not see a doctor right away I just stopped drinking and smoking tobacco. I still did not feel well I had "close calls" daily and had 2 more simple partial seizures. I finally saw a doctor march 16 2012, I explained to the doctor I never want to take dilantin again. It was so horrible, so the doctor gave me something thats helped ALOT, .50 mg alprazolam (generic xanax) I feel relaxed now, I havent had anymore seizures or closecalls. I break the pill 1/2 so I take only .25mg of xanax at time. I still drink chamomile tea. I also like to drink either cinnamon tea or take 2 cinnamon capsules in the morning that HELPS ALOT the cinnamon, I also take 1 Vitamin E tablet, and 1 omega3 daily.

Whats helped me most is exercising or staying busy on feet!! I havent drank or smoked in over 4 months now . And if you're taking a medication make sure you read online of warnings what may contradict that medicine thats very important.. and if you believe in god, keep something holy closeby. I personally carry a ring rosary always in my pocket with me and next to my bed when im asleep..

I hope I can help someone that reads this.. I wanted to post here hoping to help someone.. God bless you