Electrolytes for Ear Issues

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Erin (Tampa) on 05/28/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you thank you for this post. I had earaches a lot as a child. I have hard ear wax and sometimes it gets impacted. I have noticed that sometimes when I drink sports drinks I get dizzy and feel head pressure. I wasn't sure exactly what was causing it, but the potassium explanation makes sense. Thank you!
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Craig (Corvallis, Oregon) on 10/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I'd like to share my experience with ear pain in the hope that others might benefit from it.

About every seven years, I'd come down with fluid in the middle ear. This resulted in tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, and painful middle ear pressure. Sometimes it was so painful that it was all I could do to make it through the day. Other times, I couldn't even do that.

Doctors always told me that it was caused by either a virus or an allergy, and that I would just have to ride it out.

The only thing I ever found that helped was taking magnesium supplements, which greatly reduced the middle ear pressure.

Eventually I figured out the root cause of my problem: electrolyte imbalance. Middle ear fluid is all about electrolytes, and whenever mine got severely out of balance (usually as a result of eating mega-doses of potassium rich foods) my "ear infection" would begin. In an attempt to make myself healthier, I was actually making myself sick.

Sodium and potassium work in concert, so it's important to find some semblance of balance between the two. The same holds true for magnesium and calcium. And while these balances probably vary from person to person (depending upon their underlying health issues), I encourage anyone suffering from tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, or middle ear pressure to explore the possibility that it might be the result of an electrolyte imbalance.

It's only taken me fifteen years to figure this out, and I hope it helps someone.....

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