Dgl for Diverticulitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Michele (Alachua, Fl) on 10/01/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I'm back again, but this time I have it! I have a cure for diverticultus pain! At least it has been for me. I've probably had it all my life (that I can remember). I'm 60 now, female, have been vegetarian and "health conscious" for 40 years, but always had digestive issues. After searching this site and trying a few things, I finally ran across DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). It was prescribed for my husband for "leaky gut". While in the throws of my increasingly common "pain in my left side" I thought, "Why don't I try it"? Wish I'd tried it a long time ago! Practically instantly (at least within a day or two) my symptoms had vanished! Completely gone, and they've stayed gone for several months now (they were almost constant! ). All that from just chewing 2 of these yummy tasting licorice chews before each meal! How hard is that? Please try these out if you're having problems with diverticulitus. I think it's a definite winner... And I hope others will write in with the same experience I've had!