Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes Type II

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Carol (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 07/23/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have recently been diagnosed with Diabetes. My blood sugar levels are fairly high in the mornings, averaging high 100-200. I have started the Apple Cider Vinegar rituals and see some improvements in my energy and sugar level. I take a cup of water (8 0z.) with 2 tablespoons of ACV. Is my measurement right? I dont want to overdilute the ACV. Thanks for the site! very informative.
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Yaakova (Tulsa, Oklahoma) on 07/05/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 44 yr old female with Type 2 diabetes, HBP and osteoarthritis. I had almost given up on myself until 2 months ago. I found your site and started taking ACV hoping for relief from arthritis pain (2 tbs 3x a day mixed with apple juice). The first 3 days were rough, I felt pretty bad. Then I started feeling better. Not only has ACV helped ease the arthritis pain, but it has also lowered my blood pressure and my blood sugar levels have also dropped! My average was 135 and it is now 108! I've even lost some weight! I feel like I have a new found energy and my sleep patterns have improved! I don't have food cravings anymore and my complexion looks great too. I can't say enough about how ACV has helped me. I have told several of my friends about this site. They too are having success with many of the remedies posted here. May I also say that I started Black Strap Molasses at the same time (1 tbs once a day with 5 oz milk). My period was very heavy with lots of large clots and lasted for almost 2 weeks. I was always weak and light-headed during my period. I am happy to report that my last period was only 7 days! The first 3 days were still heavy but it tapered off to normal. The light-headed feeling is gone too. I am so glad I found this website. I feel like I am becoming the person I used to be when I was younger and I am very happy with the changes.
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Art (NYC, NYC) on 05/28/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I am surprised you have no stories about diabetes. I have a friend who uses ACV to bring his blood sugar down from 400.
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Don (West Central, Illinois) on 03/25/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had diabetes for several years, put on insulin some months ago. Sugars still hitting average of mid-300's all the time, day and night, A1C well over 8. BP about 145/90, cholesterol low 200's. Started raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with "the mother" couple of months ago. Unbelieveable. With absolutely no other changes, sugars hover about 100, A1C 6.0, BP 122/80, cholesterol 122. No more joint pain- I quit my daily dose of 2 Aleve tabs. Now I'll begin backing off insulin and other meds to see if I can maintain the good numbers. I am dumbfounded by this, and people think I'm nuts. My doctor is absolutely ecstatic. I use a "shot" of the ACV (I use _______s) in about 6 ounces of ice cold purified water morning and evening. (Make sure you mix the bottle well before pouring, to blend in the sediment on the bottom of the jar)
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Darrel (victoria, australia) on 03/18/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinegar: Recently been diagonised with diabetes, put on medication, low carb diets and GI plus daily exercise I still found it very hard to obtain areasonable sugar levels. Been frustrated about the whole issue I started reserching into it until I found the effect ACV has on your digestive system (reduced gastric dumping rate) and its effects on glicermic levels. To cut a long story short I started taking ACV in water with every carb loaded meal, the result has been stunning, I dont take tablets any more. On the same hand I dont go crasy with food, I always watch the GI,GL and never miss the ACV no matter whare I go. THE IMPORTANT THING IS IT MUST BE TAKEN WITH THE CARB LOADED MEALS, hope you get the same results I have.
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Millie (Harrison, Ohio) on 03/04/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinegar has been a prayer answered from God to stabilize the recent spikes in my blood sugar. For the past 11 years I have successfully controlled my Type 2 diabetes thru diet and supplements. About a month ago I started drinking 1-2 tbsp in a glass of water right before a meal, and I have noticed an amazing difference, with readings below 101. I feel more alive with fewer aches and pains. I am concerned about the effects on my dental health and plan to brush more frequently. But on the whole, I feel like I have been given a new outlook on life. It is very important to me to be in control of my health and keep my diabetes under control. Now with ACV, I can go on and enjoy life! God bless.
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Bill (Dayton, OH) on 01/02/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm one of those people who believe that drug companies are not out to cure diseases but to come up with drugs to ONLY control them so we're stuck buying them for a lifetime. After my doctor had me wear a blood pressure device for 24 hours I was told my blood pressure was high and he put me on (Micardis?). 2 months later on Superbowl Sunday, Feb. 5-06 I had a stroke. I wish I could give you numbers and readings but I don't have them. 14 years ago I was told I was a diabetic and needed to control it with diet which I never really did. Anyway after the stroke my doctor had me go get my blood tested for almost everything sugarwise. He told me of bad numbers on most everything. Then a friend told me about Apple Cider Vinegar and although it's not the tastiest thing I started taking a drink of Heinz ACV every morning. That started about 6 months ago. On my last Dr. appointment going over another blood sugar test he wanted to know how much I was exercising because my blood pressure was good and so were all my sugar numbers plus I'm almost under 200 pounds for the first time in ??? I'm at 203 with a high of 232 and haven't changed a thing in my lifestyle. I haven't exercised on a regular basis since giving up softball at the age of 46 four years ago. ACV has made a believer of me. Now if I could just pour it on my head and regrow my hair.
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Eleanor (Philadelphia, PA) on 11/22/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Vinegar has lowered my glucose readings. It has worked so well, that I, too, thought my monitor was broken. I happen to love vinegar, but even if I didn'' what? It's only two tablespoons in 1/2 glass of water. I use it now after every meal. The results are unbelievable and so well worth my health. Please tell everyone. I cannot believe I stumbled upon this amazing, inexpensive aid in lowering my blood glucose levels.
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Kimberly (Nova Scotia) on 08/18/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with contact dermatitis on my hands and feet. It was caused from exposins my hands to spray nine without the use of rubber gloves. I have been reading so much about apple cider vinegar and decided to try it. Well, I was also diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and also came the slightly high blood pressure and cholesterol a tad high. I started to take the acv and low and behold, my next bloodwork was the best it has been in 5 yrs. If my next 2 check ups are like this last one I may go off my diabetic and blood pressure pills all together. WOW! Thank you GOD for having the acv at our disposal.
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Sheila (NW Ohio) on 01/20/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been drinking ACV for about a month now and it definitely helps with my blood sugar readings. I am extremely happy
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