Laser Light Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease

5 star (1) 

Mary (Nj) on 02/03/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Degenerated discs can be COMPLETELY regenerated with laser light therapy. Yes....completely. But no doctor is going to tell you that. Doctors who use it are mostly Chiropractors. So look up laser light therapy for discs. Laser light therapy is fast, convenient, and comfortable. It also cures Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (wrist problems - no surgery required! )

Also, MRIs show degenerated discs (not x-rays) and are more complete and safer than CT Scans because it is magnetic versus radioactive. (CT Scans can miss things and they are not that more less expensive than MRIs so I would go for MRIs - I would insist! Even if I have to pay out of pocket)

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