Cell Salts for Degenerative Disc Disease

5 star (1) 

Kennywally (Midwest) on 06/07/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

RE: Degenerative Disc Disease, I have different take on this. If linus pauling was correct, that "all chronic illnesses can be traced back to mineral deficiency", Then I'd reco cell salts/minerals, to anyone for almost anything, seriously. I'm not saying there are no other options, just that I believe, the root cause is lack of minerals. I see it, but I'm not in a position to prove it, and perhaps that may be for the best, otherwise it would be a huge shock to medicine. Anyways, not sure if a complete recovery can happen after so much damage occurs from lack of minerals. The only way to check it is to take the cell salts, and Bioplasma is a daily dose of 12 needed cell salts, so, if injured, take extra, up to 1 dose, 8x a day to build up reserves. I've been taking 2-4x the daily dose for over a year, I feel great except for this extra weight from the candida.

Also, Queen Victoria, Elizabeth, the Queen mother, and John D rockefeller lived into their 90's with only a homeopathic physician....there has to be something to it.

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