Colon Cleanse for Eyes - Dark Circles

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Robin (Rocky Ridge, Ohio) on 01/11/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I couldn't agree more with Kristen's suggestion below. I have had dark eye circles all my adult life and have watched my mom's get darker as she aged. In an effort to overcome some illnesses I have, I decided to try internal cleansing. I found one that worked amazingly well and one of the side benefits of removing toxins from my body was the lightening of the dark circles.

I've written about this in another thread for heavy metal cleansing and they asked me to name it so I will again. It was Dr. Natura's Colonix internal cleansing system. It's really simple, gentle and effective.

It promoted better bathroom results, easier female cycles, a cessation of hair loss, thicker, stronger and longer nails, decreased the dark circles, cleared up my skin, helped me sleep better, gave me more energy, increased my cravings for fresh veggies, I lost about 15-20 lbs, and my middle shrank in inches from finally being empty like it is supposed to be.

Beauty begins on the inside, you can't just slather the stuff on and expect results. Dark circles, skin conditions, hair loss, etc., are signs that our bodies need work on the inside.

Blessings and good luck!

REPLY   10      

kristin (St. Louis, MO) on 12/19/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Around your eyes the skin is the thinest...Right? Think of the brown spots if any on your skin. The body is not cleaning itself and it is trying to tell you everytime you look in the mirror...Help! Now your liver and possibly your kidneys need a really good cleanse. You could see the difference pretty fast, the skin is the biggest organ we have and it is the first to give us a warning that something is wrong. Cleanse.... Oh, some people have different colors red, yellow, purple around their eyes, same thing....there is a build up of something your body DOES NOT LIKE...Cleanse... Have a delightful Holiday Season.