Vitamin D for Coronavirus

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Pacific Coast Lady (USA) on 03/25/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Just today I heard a Doctor, with massive credentials, mention Vitamin D as a preventative to the Covid virus. It was interesting to me because my Physician Assistant who left after our last phone appt. for 6 weeks, they said, told me to double my D vitamins she had prescribed. I did, and I've not caught the virus. I know there could be many other reasons, but I have been to Walmarts, and other stores many, many times where later, I heard of several people getting Covid.

It may be worth it to add this to your regime of preventatives if you haven't already. I take 250 mcg or 10,000 Iu's a day. I buy them for 5.99 at our Grocery outlet and the brand is Nature' Bounty.

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Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/09/2021
5 out of 5 stars posted a link to a paper it describes, saying,

"The study, published on the pre-print medRxiv* server, highlights the role of vitamin D supplementation in reducing the risk of severe illness and death due to COVID-19."

If the link to medrxiv link in the quote doesn't work, it is

Vitamin D was already being tested against upper respiratory infections in general which made it a perfect candidate for exploration into handling Covid.

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Sweetestmomof4 (Bible Belt) on 07/22/2020
5 out of 5 stars

A clinical study, Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and disease was released a few days ago in the peer reviewed journal, Nutrients. It states that supplementing with vitamins D2 or D3 can protect against the development of acute respiratory tract infections such as COVID-19. Moreso, it suggests that this information is vital to African Americans as well as obese persons who tend to be deficient in vitamin D and have higher mortality rates linked to covid-19.

I stumbled across this information watching an episode of MedCram on youtube. This edition is titled, "Coronavirus Pandemic Update 97: Vitamin D & COVID-19 Immunity, The Endothelium, & Deficiencies."

On another note, many sincere thanks to EC contributors Bill Thompson and Art for their covid-19 protocols. Peace and blessings upon you all-especially Ted.

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Diana (Bc) on 06/22/2020
5 out of 5 stars

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For those who still need an incentive to take Vitamin D for Covid-19, here is an interesting article from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service – “How we can fix this pandemic in a month” .. .

I’m increasing my Vitamin D (via supplements) as well as taking complementary K2 and magnesium.

And in today’s newsletter, Dr. Mercola mentioned just how important it is to get your Vitamin D levels up this summer (“The Most Important Paper Dr. Mercola Has Ever Written”).

Don’t wait for your doctor’s approval or double-blind tests. Take control of your health – especially with all of the predictions (well, threats really) of the double whammy of flu and a second wave of Covid-19 this autumn.

Hmmm, what did we talk about before the coronavirus? I can’t remember any more.

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Rob (United States) on 05/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking vitamins d, c, and zinc. Also have recommended them to other people I know. Unfortunately, our government only recommending staying 6 feet apart staying home and wearing a mask. I believe this is demonstrating the average America’s overall health and think it shows how nutrient poor our diet is!
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Cynthia (Bertram TX) on 05/17/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Why did youtube delete your video for Vit D3 for Community standards? I saw nothing that went against their rules.
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Rob (United States) on 05/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking vitamins d, c, and zinc. Also have recommended them to other people I know. Unfortunately, our government only recommending staying 6 feet apart staying home and wearing a mask. I believe this is demonstrating the average America's overall health and think it shows how nutrient poor our diet is!
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Mary G. (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 05/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I buy my Vit D3 -5000iu - from Many years ago I tested low for D levels and started using 10,000 iu on most days. This really raised my levels up at my last test.
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Meg (Canada) on 05/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I am curious to hear what people are taking for vitamin D supplementation, given this new research. I have been taking 5,000 of D3 daily for the past week. Looks like 10,000 is a better idea. Thoughts?
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Uncertain (LA) on 04/19/2020
5 out of 5 stars

VITAMIN D FOR COVID- 19 a clip from a blog written by doctor.. Thanks for your interest in Vitamin D, it is a subject close to my heart especially in these days of Covid 19. First, it is the only vitamin that has two sources-sunlight and diet, especially fish. Its action are vast influencing over 80 illnesses, An expert opinion on this is Henry Lahore on LinkedIn in addition to my posts and articles. In the days of common sense during the Second World War, England found itself running out of food. To protect children every child was given a bottle of Halborange made up of orange juice and halibut oil, no deficiency, replenished every month. Today testing for vitamin D is limited by our government. Many average citizens when tested have very low levels. In years past it was most likely the cause of Cabin Fever in late Winter. One last point is that a number of doctors believe that vitamin D protects against the Covid 19 virus, Italy has been ravaged and many Italians have low vitamin D levels, even when supplements are given to the population. The vitamin stops penetration of the virus into the cell. Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Acute Respiratory Tract Infections: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data - PubMed Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Acute Respiratory Tract Infections:... Objectives To assess the overall effect of vitamin D supplementation on risk of acute respiratory t...
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