Melatonin for Coronavirus

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Art (California) on 03/14/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I mentioned in another thread that I would report if I got Covid-19 because that would indicate that melatonin does not work as a prophylactic as I am taking 106 mg+ per evening.

Well, last night at 8:00pm I started feeling off with pain in my chest, shoulders, back and upper legs. By 9:00pm, I was having severe chills and decided to take my daily melatonin a little earlier than normal, but I also decided to bump my dose up to around 125 mg and immediately went to bed. I put 4 blankets on and still felt cold so I pulled the blankets over my head to try and warm up faster, but when I put my face under the covers, it felt sort of like when you open up an oven door when you have had a turkey cooking for hours and that heat hits your face, so I pulled the blankets back down to uncover my head as I clearly had a fever, but was too cold to get up and take my temperature. I slept restlessly and each time I woke up, I felt worse with more pain in my joints, shoulders, legs and my hands and fingers felt like I had severe arthritis. My chest and back hurt even more than earlier and I could not take a deep breath without significant pain. I can say with complete certainty, I have never felt anything like this before. I also noticed I was getting little indications that my legs wanted to cramp up, but I could not get myself to get up and get the mag oil spray from the bathroom, I was just too cold!

I woke up at 8:00 am and with the time change, that would have been 10 hours since I first noticed I was sick. In all of my life, I have never had a cold or flu come on so quickly as I felt perfectly normal at 7:00 pm last night. I finally got up at 9:00 am and had a lot of congestion in my chest and surprisingly, for me, was able to cough most or all of it up. Usually, when I have that amount of congestion, it means I am going to be coughing for a month or longer. I decided to take a long shower and during the shower, I noticed that I felt almost normal except for the chest pain when I would try and take a deep breath. By the time I got out of the shower, I felt really good, but I decided it might be better for me to go back to bed rather than go for my walk.

I don't know for sure that this was covid as I had no test, but I feel as certain as I can that it was. I've never had symptoms quite like these before and the arthritic feeling hands is an absolute first. Sitting here typing, I also notice that it no longer hurts to take a deep breath and I feel normal! No more pain in my joints, no more chest pain, no more back pain, and no more congestion!

If this is covid, I will say that melatonin does not seem to prevent it, but neither does the vaccine. My understanding of the vaccine is that you can still get covid except it is supposed to be milder and not life-threatening or very similar to melatonin.

I am taking 20 mg doses throughout today and will likely continue that for possibly a week and then go back to my regular night dosing. I had previously mentioned that you should not throw your melatonin away just because you get a vaccine and I still feel that way because if you do get covid after being vaccinated, melatonin if used right away, looks likely to make that covid infection even milder.

I am glad I found Dr. Neel and his melatonin protocol because only having to put up with covid for 12 hours is wonderful! I think it is worth mentioning that I was not taking vitamin C or D, lysine, iodine or quercetin. I was taking zinc though.

I will update if things change as I know I will carry this virus for at least a week or more so I will stay on top of my melatonin dosing. Dr. Neel did mention that melatonin could work as a stand alone treatment for covid and my experience tends to confirm his statement.

I am not aware of any other treatment for covid that can reverse it so dramatically in just 12 hours!

Although there is so much more I can write about melatonin, I am only going to write one more post about it on EC because I think people just get tired of hearing about melatonin, no matter how many health issues it can be useful for.


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Mama to Many (TN) on 01/23/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Hi guys!

I am happy to report that I and my family are on the other side of Covid, at least til our immunity wanes.

We were doing a variety of Coronavirus preventatives around my house. My husband and I have taken coconut oil daily since last March. My husband and daughter have taken astragalus root that whole time as well. We take vitamin D intermittently, and even in winter my husband and kids get lots of outside time. I have been taking 15 mg of melatonin at night for quite a while.

Then we got Covid.

None of us had a cough. Several of us lost sense of smell. Adults had significant fatigue. One child had a fever for one day. Several of us had sinus burning pain and eye pain. Headaches were common. I never registered a fever but felt flu like for a couple of days.

At the very first sign of illness, especially since we realized we had probably been exposed to COVID, I put everyone on the appropriate amount of melatonin (1gm/kg body weight every 24 hours, divided into four doses.) We also took 50 mcg of zinc, 1-2 grams of vitamin C, vitamin D and 2 quercetin capsules. We ate a lot soup and drank tea with honey. Appetites were not amazing, so I just focused on fluids. I had just gotten an amazing deal and stocked up on organic orange juice, too, so that was handy. Everyone rested as much as needed.

We did use some tylenol, ibuprofen and alka seltzer (never at the same time! ) for fever and aches. Alka seltzer seemed to work the best but I did NOT give it to children. Covid is new and aspirin has a history of causing Reye’s Syndrome for some children with some viruses (like flu and chicken pox.)

It may be my imagination but I think I could feel the melatonin wearing off. When I was close to redosing time I would notice that I was feeling worse. I did take an extra dose or two in the middle of the night sometimes.

My mother in law, who is in poor health and lives with us, never had any symptoms. I gave her the same protocol that we took ourselves, in hopes of nipping it in the bud if she began with symptoms, which she never did.

I had some concerns about high dose melatonin (HDM) and its blood thinning properties. I am a bleeder because I have chronic low platelets. I didn’t have any bleeding trouble with the HDM. My 9 year old is prone to nosebleeds but they did not increase in frequency during HDM. I don’t recall him having any at all during that time. My mother in law is on xeralto and didn’t have any trouble with HDM. This is descriptive though, not prescriptive.

While astragalus, melatonin, and coconut oil were part of our preventatives, they didn’t prevent the disease. But perhaps they made symptoms lighter? I don’t know.

I do think the earlier treating any illness begins, the better. It seems the viruses might get less of a foothold.

I think an over taxed immune system puts one at greater risk for getting a bad case of anything. Good nutrition, stress management, enough sleep, fresh air and exercise are all important for that. But honestly that can be really difficult for many people to accomplish. I’m just making an observation.

I have known some hale and hearty people get seriously sick. A naturopathic local doctor who was doing tons of preventatives and being super careful still got covid and got pretty sick.

I don’t think there needs to be guilt associated with getting sick, for some failure of preventatives. We are humans and sickness happens to most everyone. When we are sick sometimes we have time to regroup our priorities, read a book we have wanted to read, and then take care of others when we are well.

At the end of the day, I am thankful we made it through relatively unscathed. I would use the same remedies again.

This is only one story of so many covid stories. It isn’t a recommendation for anyone, but a “this is what seemed to work for us” story.

~Mama to Many~

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Bill (Philippines) on 01/22/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Here's some more useful and surprising safety info in support of using melatonin for COVID-19.

It has already been recommended that melatonin dosage should be 1 mg/kg/day by Dr Neel. But, in the following research study, it is recommending 8 mg/kg/day divided into 5 sub-doses for COVID-19. The research study below also surprisingly says that melatonin at 8 mg/kg/day is "in the ranges used to treat septic patients clinically and is devoid of any adverse effect; thus, it is safe".

See below:

I find that dose of 8 mgs/kg/day very interesting. That also tells me that melatonin is very safe indeed at just 1mg/kg/day.

I've also found 12 research reviews on PubMed assessing and strongly recommending melatonin as a protocol for COVID-19 patients. These studies are all begging for permission from the FDA for melatonin to be studied for use in US hospitals. But the FDA/NIH are still not interested in doing the necessary research to prove that melatonin works against COVID-19. What's more, the FDA has known about melatonin's usefulness against COVID-19 since April/May 2019 when Dr Neel and others loudly informed the FDA of its hugely beneficial effects. I guess the FDA might be thinking that a successful, simple and cheap COVID-19 therapeutic like melatonin at this time might well hinder the ongoing vast sales of western vaccines all over the world. After all, if you have a successful and cheap natural therapeutic like melatonin that can revert your COVID-19 to ordinary, harmless flu then we wouldn't really need those vaccines. Right?

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Art (California) on 01/01/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Wow, Jacob, that is amazing! I am very glad that your recovery was so quick and smooth!

Thank you for coming back and giving this update as it is useful for any of the members who may get Covid.

Your results pretty much mirror what Dr. Neel has seen in his over 1,000 Covid-19 patients. Once full dosing is initiated, improvements are generally seen to begin the very next day. In the symposium he recently attended about using melatonin as a treatment for Covid-19, the doctors who attended were asked what if any dose may act as a preventative. Their answer was that is not yet known about melatonin, but they felt that if there is a dose that may act to prevent Covid-19 from getting started, it would be 20mg minimum.

Thank you again for your update, Jacob!


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Jacob (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ) on 01/01/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Ever since I read about Dr. Neel's success with melatonin on this site, I began taking bigger doses of melatonin every night at bedtime and kept a large reserve of different melatonin brands for myself and my friends and family. So when I contracted covid at the beginning of December and I found out I had it I immediately started taking about 30mg 5 or 6 times a day.

I also increased my vitamin d, c, and zinc intake daily as well.

Before I knew I had the virus, I had a pretty bad headache, a bit of a fever, and had some chills and heat flashes. My stomach was slightly bubbly as well. That was the first 2 days. By the afternoon of the second day I found out I had covid. So that is when I started taking megadoses of melatonin. My headache and fever started to leave.

The next morning, I woke up virtually symptom free. I could feel it just a little bit in my lungs and would occasionally cough up a little bit of phlegm but that was it. I continued with megadosing melatonin and taking extra c, d, and zinc for the next 2 weeks or maybe a little bit longer.

Then I tapered everything down gradually until I got back to my normal routine. Now I just take 20-30 mg a night before bed. I really believe that the melatonin increase basically made me asymptomatic almost immediately.

I used several different brands of dissolvable lozenges that were between 2.5 and 12 mgs a lozenge.

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Annette (Lubbock, TX) on 12/21/2020
5 out of 5 stars

For anyone thinking the high melatonin dosage is crazy... you'll be fine!

Husband started with a sore throat late Friday night. I had him gargle with apple cider vinegar in water and we also took liposomal vitamin C, D3, echinacea, and Chanca Piedra. Applied some DoTerra OnGuard oil.

Saturday again with those things plus had him gargle with warm salt water, which he said helped.
Saturday night he ran fever so we slept in separate beds and I have tried keeping my distance and wearing a mask. Although probably not 100% of the time. Gave him baby aspirin.

Sunday we took the same things mentioned before and I added garlic for him. He has been sipping on water with lemon and Gaia herbs bronchial wellness tea as well as ginger tea. We scheduled to get tested. Rode in separate cars but tested together in the same room, at which time he had 100.4 fever.
He's positive. I'm negative.

Sunday 6pm 1st dosage of melatonin for us both. 20mg.
Took a second dosage at 1am. 20mg.
Another at 7am. 20mg.

I have been able to wake up a few times to go check on him. Tested his oxygen level and temperature. Normal.

I don't feel anymore sleepy than I do when I take 10mg. I had stopped talking melatonin last week because it's been giving me headaches. We had been taking it regularly. Natrol brand, 10mg time released. Husband had not stopped taking it. I currently feel just a light pressure (nothing terrible). Decided to drink some coffee and type this up.

I plan to continue 20 mg melatonin for us both at noon or 1pm today.
Oh! I've also been boiling water on the stove on and off all day with drops of Eucalyptus oil. We live in a pretty dry climate and with the heater running sinuses get really dry.

Art, I hope to keep updating. Let me know if you have any comments/ suggestions/ questions. Thanks for all the information you've provided!

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Art (California) on 12/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Here is the latest update from Dr. Neel who has now treated over 1,000 Covid-19 patients with high dose melatonin (HDM) with only a handful of patients needing to be admitted to the hospital at all!

Generally, he uses a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, but other doctors are now reporting going as high as 6x higher than Dr. Neel, by using up to 6 mg per kilogram of bodyweight! Overall, this is the best update yet and is quite informative because Dr. Neel attended a symposium of melatonin researchers and doctors who shared their information that they have gathered over time in the treatment of their patients with HDM. Even Dr. Castillo who is involved in the Manila study of HDM in Covid-19 patients who also have pneumonia. His team is doing the world's first randomized, placebo controlled, double blind study of HDM to treat Covid-19 patients. Dr. Reiter also spoke at the symposium as did Dr. Brown of Canada talked about intravenous melatonin because oral melatonin is known to be absorbed at only 3% to 15% of the dose taken while intravenous melatonin has much higher bioavailability. Dr. Castillo also mentioned a "maintenance dose" which many people are wondering about. The general consensus of the doctors who spoke at the symposium was 20 mg /day.

There was more to the update, but this was clearly the most informative and exciting update yet! Here is a link to the article :


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Karen (ARKANSAS) on 12/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you, Art, for this important and timely information about high dose melatonin. I was diagnosed with Covid the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and began your protocol of 80 mg/day in divided doses the following day. My symptoms (ongoing severe headache and other less painful symptoms) reduced very quickly. I had minor respiratory involvement which never fully developed.

My question is how long do I continue to use the high dosage? From reading through the information you provided, I'm thinking to reduce dosage and see if symptoms return or worsen? At first, I thought I should stay on it for a minimum of two months. Any clarification or thoughts will be appreciated.

Shout out to Earth Clinic for being Earth Clinic!!

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Art (California) on 10/02/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Everyone is now aware of the fact that the president and his wife have Covid-19 and apparently there are several of his staff who also have it.

Trump always talked about how hydroxychloroquine was the solution to the problem, but he is not taking it! Nope, he's taking melatonin! ABC news just reported that.

Does anyone besides me find it odd that his administration never once mentioned that melatonin might be useful to fight Covid-19 and yet it is what they are giving him???


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Art (California) on 09/10/2020
5 out of 5 stars

This recent report (August 26,2020) of an 87 year old who was treated with HDM and treated early, survived with no complications!

Here is a link to the brief article:

Although it is just one case, 87 years old is a definite high risk case and he survived with High Dose Melatonin, along with vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C. Melatonin has shown synergy with these vitamins in recent studies. These four supplements are noted for having very good safety profiles and are all commonly available over the counter and are inexpensive. Simple, easy and effective and can be started earlier than the drugs being prescribed for Covid-19 in most cases.

This bodes well for the elderly!


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