Ethanol Vapor Inhalation for Coronavirus

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Mary (NY, NY) on 06/21/2022
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Studies of the virus have shown that bleach kills coronavirus on surfaces in about five minutes, and isopropyl alcohol destroys it on surfaces even faster, Bill Bryan, a senior official at the US Department of Homeland Security, told reporters Thursday 4/23/2020. Bryan, who is not a scientist, said a US Army biological lab outside Washington, DC had been conducting tests on the virus.

The following link contains an article titled Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation

Alcohol for disinfection (rubbing alcohol in US, Surgical spirit B.P.) has been well established to sterilize various bacterias and disinfect viruses. Alcohols target the bacterial cell envelope, with resultant lysis of the cell and release of the cellular content.

The author suggests that it may be possible to use alcoholic beverages of 16~20 v/v% concentration for this disinfection process, such as Whisky (1:1 hot water dilution) or Japanese Sake, because they are readily available and safe (non-toxic). By inhaling the alcohol vapor at 50~60°C (122~140°F) through the nose for one or two minutes, it will condense on surfaces inside the respiratory tract; mainly in the nasal cavity. The alcohol concentration will be intensified to ~36 v/v% by this process, which is enough to disinfect the corona virus on the mucous membrane.

I personally poured isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball and inhaled the vapors through my nose to kill COVID-19. My shortness of breath was relieved very quickly. I used this technique in July 2021 to recover from the Delta variant which was much more potent than the Alpha variant. Next time I would dilute it with hot water prior to inhalation in a 1:2 ratio.

According to the author:

Prompt Method

We use 40 v/v% whisky or similar alcohol, dripping on a gauze, inhale the vapor slowly at room temperature.

(1) Drip 1~2 ml (1~2 g weight ) of alcohol 40 v/v%, such as, whisky, on a gauze.

(2) Cover your nostrils with gauze (point where you drip the alcohol).

(3) Slowly and carefully inhale the vapor. If one of your nostril has narrowing, block other one.

(4) After a few tens of seconds, the smell of the ethanol will disappear, then stop.

This method works well for the front part of the nasal cavity. This is suitable for clinical workers, because their working environment means that they need may prompt preventative measure at short notice. Note that there is a risk of inflammation due to high concentration of alcohol, but we have to decide comparing with the risk from the corona virus itself. The prompt method is only suggested for use by medical professionals, and is not considered appropriate for use by the general public.