Cure Clogged Pores with Natural Remedies

Modified on Oct 22, 2023

While acne and blemishes are a frequent issue, one of the even more common skin problems involves clogged pores. And, what makes these even more difficult to remedy is that they are somewhere in between clear skin and acne. Have no fear, though, we’ve done our research and found some great “tried and true” clogged pore home remedies for you.

What Causes Clogged Pores?

While you’ve likely never thought about it, pores are actually one of the mechanisms by which your body stays clean and healthy. But, let’s be honest, the stuff that comes out of (or gets stuck in) your pores seems anything but clean. The pores are actually located above sebaceous glands that secret oil. The oil functions like glue to collect and hold together dead skin. However, when these glands expel dead skin cells, build-up often occurs and causes clogged pores. Additional factors such as makeup, pollution, and hormones can contribute to the clogging of the pores.

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    List of Remedies for Clogged Pores