Multiple Remedies for Cellulitis

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Vicki (South Australia) on 05/09/2016
4 out of 5 stars


Thank you to everyone who has tried & had results, this site is a great help. I regularly fast, sometimes for days at a time, this has not helped, I have had this severe condition for 13 weeks and was getting worse to the point I couldn't walk on the foot at all, currently on cleocin antibiotics, from 1 every 4 hrs 2 wks ago upped to 2 tablets 3x a day, tea tree oil has halved the stinging burning pain that is worse than child birth. the only way to describe the pain is like being burnt badly while cooking 1st degree burn, that is the closest pain that comes close, followed by contractions in the area ( mine is in the little toe I cut nail too short)

I have changed my diet: Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tbl spoons in a glass of water I sip all day, & drink 2 ltrs or more of water room temp, Echinacea & berry tea & green tea. dandelion tea. Turmeric, Curcumin & black pepper about 2 tbl spoons of each & fresh garlic cloves I put all over my salad & I eat for lunch: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber & carrots, capsicum, green apples for lunch with salad oil dressing to help spread the turmeric into every cell of my body and the bone marrow, I found having tomato on buttered (has oil in it) toast with pepper & turmeric helps the stinging/swelling calm down first thing in morning. I have tried sucking a raw young lemon or add to water also.

I'm on day 2 of this, and pain has halved, I can finally sleep with out being woken by crippling pain, and I can walk with out a cane. the toe is not dark purple now its going pink, red & skin colour, I wipe tea tree oil around the area not on the sore itself, as they removed the nail & sliced into area to squeeze out infection twice, it's covered all the time, dressing changed every 2 days. The antibiotic not working so I had to try everything I can find on the net & combine it into 1, I'm about to get the manuka honey to add this too. It's very slow healing but its progress considering what pain I'm in & keeping the toe.

Researching it has shown me, smoking, eating sugary stuff, fasting too much (malnutrition) & little exercise is stopping it from getting better.

1) It's important to get 10+ min exercise in so the oxygen & blood flow gets to the area.

2) Turmeric & black pepper & the Tea tree oil halve the pain & swelling,

3) Water fluids flushes toxins out. So go pee pee pee.

4) Warmth helps the pain, the cold make it hurt more.

5) Keep foot raised at all times possible. even when sleeping rest it on a pillow.

I hope this helps someone.

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