Can-c (n-acetylcarnosine Drops) for Cataracts

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KS (Glenview, IL) on 07/01/2021
1 out of 5 stars


I had a cataract in my right eye-tried every drop there is. I first used Can-C for a year or more. After spending hundreds of dollars on drops, I still had to have surgery, as I was virtually blind in that eye, by that time. The drops may have delayed the inevitable (?) I had even listened to Sapien Medicine & Rife frequencies twice a day. Now, I have a bad cataract in the left eye. Since I've given up on drops, I'm only listening to the frequencies. So, far that hasn't worked. Overall, I have a good diet & take some supplements, which vary, don't smoke or drink. I couldn't see myself doing the castor oil, so can't speak to that. Good luck everyone, hope to hear about a cure soon.

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robert (michigan) on 04/25/2021
1 out of 5 stars

I also tried the can c eye drop. no noticable difference. I tried the castor oil on eye lids as well. I am now going ayurvedic, rubbing castor oil in my belly button. laugh, but it is supposed to help skin or hair...
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Kathy (Illinois) on 09/07/2020
1 out of 5 stars

I bought Can-C drops, and have been using them for a year now with no improvement. I guess I am just in that percentage of people it doesn't work on. Maybe my cataract was just too advanced. You are supposed to see improvement in four to six months.