Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Editor's Choice

Cayenne for Vehicular Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Jill (Toronto) on 01/20/2021
5 out of 5 stars

1 teaspoon of cayenne powder in a small amount of juice or water for suspected CO poisoning. Don't forget to give it to your pets if you suspect they also got a nasty hit of carbon monoxide outside. I noticed one of my dogs sometimes gets agitated for no apparent reason after we come back from a long walk. Maybe that's the reason.
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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and O2 in a Can

Shirley M. (Sedona) on 01/20/2021
5 out of 5 stars

This is a good reason for carrying a can of BOOST O2 in the car and have handy in the house until medical help arrives.

EC: Thank you so much, what a great idea. Added your idea to the supplements section in the CO article above.
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Oil Pulling Cured Migraines From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Melissa (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/17/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Oil Pulling Cured Migraines From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

I was in a carbon monoxide accident a few weeks ago. Although I was very lucky to survive, the migraines felt like a brain freeze that lasted hours of each day. I couldn't think or see straight. I avoided filling the prescription for pain pills from the doctors and was going to wait it out a month and see if I could find an alternative route. I did try aspirin, excedrin, ibuprofen, and Tylenol. Nothing helped the pain at all. I started oil pulling last Thursday night with organic sesame seed oil (medium heat) and I have not had a migraine since that day. I do it twice a day for 20 minutes. A place I spend extra time with the oil is under the tongue, but I also swish it all around. The world needs to know about this. I'm so grateful.

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