Candida Diet Protocol for Candida - Bill Thompson

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Marilyn (Nebraska) on 02/05/2024
5 out of 5 stars

I just want to say THANK YOU! This is the best website I have ever found. (FYI I learned of this site from "The One Minute Cure" book.)

Bill Thompson's Candida Protocol is truly a God-send! I already had all the products because I have been trying everything to get healthy the past 4 years! Been to 6 doctors, numerous tests, even 2 stool tests. Waste of money, even in 2023!! I was able to jump right in cause I had already done several detoxes and diet changes. Just didn't think to add them all together like Bill did. A miracle! God's best to you all and your families! <3

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Bill (Philippines) on 02/11/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Leah...You really should have no fear of my anti-candida protocol. The only reaction you might get from taking this protocol is maybe a Herx reaction which is also known as a "Healing crisis". People sometimes get this Helaing Crisis when they take my protocol and so you should really just accept it. A Healing Crisis or Herx reaction occurs when large amounts of candida + bad bacteria + parasites are rapidly and suddenly killed in your body by the protocol. Toxic waste products from the dead pathogens/parasites accumulate in the blood and then they have to be cleared by your liver -- which becomes stressed -- and that's when you may feel a little poorly for a while. But this healing crisis should eventually pass once you have removed all the bad pathogens -- including the candida -- from your body using the anti-candida protocol. So what I'm saying is that you should certainly be prepared for a Herx reaction or healing crisis when you first start my protocol. Also, bear in mind that if you don't take any anti-candida protocol because you fear the healing crisis then how can you cure your serious systemic candida problem -- which will only get worse -- if you do nothing? You can either use the protocol in my candida book or you can use a simplified free protocol that I now also recommend at this link: I also always advise that when people first start my anti-candida protocol they should start off with smaller dosages for every protocol. Then -- after a few days and if there are no problems -- slowly work up to the full advised dosage for each remedy in the protocol. Or just take dosages that you feel comfortable with. Also your diet should favor vegetables, which should cause you no problems. You can add a little protein as well -- tofu or meat. Try to avoid excess carbohydrates and sugar if you can -- these foods feed the candida and help it to spread. The ideal meal for you would be chop suey. And you should avoid taking anti-biotics at all costs. If you take anti-biotics then your candida will always rapidly spread and get worse. Anti-biotics are also a major cause of most candida problems. See this link:
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Bill (Philippines) on 02/11/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Peter,

In answer to your questions: "I suggested to him that he try tofu to help him feel satisfied. Is tofu OK for someone with candida albicans? " Tofu is fine -- but in small amounts because proteins can acidify the body when in eaten to excess. I would also reduce all carbohydrates and sugars in your son's diet. These foods help to feed candida causing it to rapidly spread and get worse. If your son is having a problem digesting meat then he should take B-50 Complex once a day with a Pancreatin supplement with every meal that contains all the main digestive enzymes for the duodenum. This should help your son's digestion of proteins. "Is there a recommended brand of Borax or can he use the grocery store version?" You can use USP tech grade borax off the internet if you like, but that's expensive. I would just use unscented 20 Mule Team Borax. Borax is mined and generally contains no heavy metals or pesticides etc.

This is also in accordance with Ted from Bangkok's recommendations for supplementing Borax. Also your son should avoid taking any anti-biotics for his candida problem. Over-use of anti-biotics is perhaps the major cause of most candida problems out there.

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Peter (Canada) on 02/06/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Bill,

My son has suffered from systemic candida for almost 5 years. Recently, I came across this site and he has begun taking some of the protocols you recommend. While he has had this issue, he has mostly maintained a very strict candida diet - but recently has been suffering from some other stomach issues. He visited Egypt in October and may have picked up a parasite or worm. In any case, he is now having trouble digesting meat - but at the same time he is not being satiated with not eating meat. A few questions: I suggested to him that he try tofu to help him feel satisfied. Is tofu OK for someone with candida albicans? My second question is: Is there a recommended brand of Borax or can he use the grocery store version?

Many thanks! Peter


Leah (The Netherlands) on 10/30/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Bill,

After doing some endless research regarding my symptoms, I come across your book, Candida: Killing So Sweetly. I already knew I had candida as one alternative doctor had confirmed 5 years ago. I consulted quite a couple of alternative doctors for the past eight years, as my own doctor cannot see my own symptoms, but none were able to help me. I believe your book is an answered prayer. I am 40 years old and had been suffering from candida symptoms for more that 10 years now. I can feel that my body and my immune system is getting weaker by the day, I could feel it and it makes me really scared. I come across your book around two weeks ago and I already started eating healthy and avoided some sweets. I have not started the candida protocol yet as I am still waiting for the hair analysis result, as I want to make sure I am taking the correct supplements before I start the protocol and taking the supplements that goes with it. I had quite a scary experience in the past taking herbal supplements which was advised by one of the alternative doctor, that I am now hesitant to start using some of the supplements advised. I have some questions about following your advised in the book, and would love to get in touch with you personally, I think that would give more confidence to start the protocol. The reason why I am hesitant is that, I am worried that the supplement dosage is quite too much for me as I am a petite woman, under 5 feet. I have read somewhere that the supplement you take should be adjusted according to the body weight. I have read in your book that you have helped quite a few people fight their candida, I am hoping you can assist me too. It also gives me more confidence to ask for your assistance, when I read that you have been living in the Philippines, my home country, so I am quite confident you can understand the Filipino way of thinking and lifestyle. Although, I have been living in the Netherlands now for more than 10 years, my eating habit is still almost the same.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my long letter.

Kind regards, Leah


Delores W. (Georgia) on 10/10/2019
5 out of 5 stars


Thanks for your comments on Sept 22, 2019 on dealing with systemic candida. I am following your suggestions. Plus, since I do have systemic candida, I increased my 5% Lugol to 1 tsp in a glass of water 4 x daily for 5 days as of today. No bad side effects and still sleeping well. The candida is trying to get out. My mouth and tongue are black in spots. I figure I'm getting about 400mg a day of Lugol's and I'm 79 years. I am excited, have lots of energy and plan to see this through. I ordered more copies of your book to share. Thanks again. Delores

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Delores (Georgia) on 09/21/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Bill, I am 79 years old and have systemic candida. Have battled it for years. Had vaginal infections in my 20s and used monistat cream a lot. Now I'm carefully following your book "Killing So Sweetly". For 2 weeks now I have been taking 15mg of Lugols Iodine 5% 4 times a day for a total of 60mg per day for 2 weeks. I'm having some positive results. After reading Dr Orian Truss book, The Missing Diagnosis, I'm optimistic that I may be well in about 4 more weeks. Would appreciate any comments.
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Bill (Philippines) on 06/24/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Joanna...

I'm sorry that I'm so late replying -- with apologies.

If your friend has both systemic candida and leukemia then we must, as a matter of urgency, get rid of the candida problem as quickly as possible. Candida rapidly drags immune system down allowing cancer to dominate and proliferate. So the candida must be urgently dealt with as quickly as possible. I have a simplified and effective anti-candida protocol which your son can take. See this link for the whole protocol:

The candida protocol should not effect Ted's leukemia protocol which is also shown below. Concerning your son's leukemia, you could also perhaps follow Ted from Bangkok's Leukemia protocols shown at this link:

Below is a simple breakdown of Ted's Leukemia cure:

Selenium 600 mcg per day (up to 1000 mcg max)

Take lysine (1/2 tspn) + threonine (1/4 tspn) together with water hourly for four hours in the morning and for four hours in the evening(i.e. 8 doses of lysine/threonine per day). Take this for at least 3 days. This should kill the leukemia if it is caused by a virus.

On day three, take 1/3 tspn glutamine for every lysine dose with your morning doses only. In order to get the blood pH within the proper range, say 6.5 to 7.0, you should take baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon 30 minutes after meals(3 times a day). It will take time to recovery proper pH if your body is already acidic -- at least 1 week. Take Chinese Wolfberry -- 1 teaspoon 6 times a day. Take lemongrass tea several times a day. Take 10 drops DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) in water 6 times a day. Lemon juice contains Limonene which actively kills cancer. Take fresh squeezed whole lemon juice + 1/4 tspn baking soda in a glass with water. Take this twice a day outside mealtimes.

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Sidney (Northland New Zealand) on 10/25/2018
5 out of 5 stars

"Kia Ora Bill".. Thank you for your most valuable info and your book which has helped me reclaim back my health. I did a B/P reading last night about 1/2 hour after chain sawing some freshly downed pine trees for fire wood, this took me a couple of hours 116/78. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have lasted 1/2 an hour before I would have been exhausted. I know this surge of energy to my health is due to the Candida protocol as suggested in your book which is the major contributing factor, almost three weeks on this protocol and "WOW"... Will incorporate suggested protocol to my daily regime..

KEA-KAHA BILL live long and prosperous..

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Sidney (Northland New Zealand) on 10/20/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Awesome people.. I am wanting to know how long does one stay on the Candida protocol as per stated by Bill Thomson in his book Candida Killing So Sweetly?

I've been on this protocol for two weeks now and have seen some dramatic improvements in so shorter time... wow

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