Effective Natural Treatments for Bursitis Relief

Modified on Mar 17, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Natural Remedies for Bursitis

Bursitis, a progressively worsening condition, often leads sufferers to mistakenly try to "work through" the pain. This approach usually exacerbates the condition. However, there are a variety of natural remedies available for alleviating bursitis pain in the hip, shoulder, and knee, including topical applications, internal remedies, and supplements.

Understanding Bursitis

Bursitis arises from inflammation in the bursa, the fluid-filled sacs near major joints designed to reduce friction. This inflammation is often caused by overuse of muscles or joints. Common symptoms include joint stiffness, increased pain with movement or pressure, and visible swelling or redness.

Repetitive motions or positions frequently trigger bursitis and are common in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, heel, or base of the big toe. It is associated with baseball pitching, heavy lifting, prolonged sitting, and extensive kneeling.

Natural Remedies for Bursitis

While bursitis is frequently resolved without intervention, certain cases may require medical attention. However, natural remedies play a significant role in pain relief and treatment. Key treatments include castor oil, ginger, and white willow bark.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is renowned for its wide range of health benefits, and it's particularly celebrated as a leading natural remedy for bursitis on Earth Clinic. ACV is rich in acetic acid and contains various nutrients such as vitamins B and C. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent choice for reducing the inflammation and pain associated with bursitis.

Oral Consumption: Another approach involves oral consumption. Mix one to two tablespoons of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink this mixture once or twice daily. This can help to reduce inflammation from within the body. Adding honey can improve the taste and add its own anti-inflammatory benefits.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is known for its effectiveness in treating bursitis. It offers pain relief and reduces inflammation due to its unique chemical composition. For application, soak a washcloth in 5-10 ML of castor oil and place it on the affected area. Enhance the treatment's effectiveness by applying external heat, such as a heating pad or heated towels, directly over the cloth. This method helps the healing components of castor oil penetrate deeply into the body tissues, offering relief from inflammation and pain.


Ginger is a powerful natural remedy known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains compounds that help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. For bursitis treatment, it's recommended to take two 500mg capsules of powdered ginger once or twice a day. This regular intake can provide significant relief from the discomfort and pain associated with bursitis.

White Willow Bark

White willow bark is another effective natural treatment for bursitis. It contains salicin, a compound similar to the main ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid. This similarity means that white willow bark can help reduce inflammation and treat pain effectively. The recommended dosage is 500mg of the extract, taken once or twice daily.


DMSO, derived from wood pulp, addresses inflammation effectively. Apply a 70% solution to the affected area, gradually reducing application frequency.


Turmeric supplements, rich in the active compound curcumin, provide powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. Curcumin is known for reducing inflammation throughout the body, making it an effective natural remedy for bursitis. Regular intake of turmeric supplements can help alleviate the inflammation and discomfort associated with bursitis. The recommended dosage varies, but starting with a standardized curcumin extract, often around 500mg daily, can be beneficial.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil supplements, are another effective remedy for reducing joint inflammation. These fatty acids decrease the production of substances that contribute to inflammation in the body. For those suffering from bursitis, incorporating omega-3 fatty acid supplements into their diet can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with the condition. The suggested dosage for omega-3 fatty acids typically ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.


Bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems, reduces swelling and pain. It works by breaking down proteins that can cause inflammation and swelling. Bromelain can be a beneficial supplement for bursitis patients to reduce the discomfort and inflammation associated with the condition. The recommended dosage of bromelain for treating bursitis usually ranges from 250 to 500 mg thrice daily between meals.

Keep reading to learn how Earth Clinic readers treated bursitis naturally, how long they took to heal, and which remedies worked best for them!

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List of Remedies for Bursitis