Egg Whites for Burns

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Emrose (Statesboro, Ga) on 06/01/2018
4 out of 5 stars

While using a crocheted pot holder, I pulled a cast iron skillet out of a 325° F oven, set it on the stove, then needed to move it. I'd forgotten to ensure the entirety of the handle was covered. The kind of burn that results in a blister happened. Hubby suggested that I run cold water over it to take the heat out. I don't know about everyone else, but that only works while the burn is in the water. My hand would've felt as if it were on fire the second I stopped.

Instead, I searched for burn remedies in case there were some I didn't know about. The first one that made any sense was egg whites. Two went into a saucer, my hand soaking until I could lift it with minimal pain. For now (roughly 45 mins after the incident), I'm leaving the dried egg on. It hurts in proportion to how much I move my hand. At least I'm not stuck at the sink! I plan on using some honey (raw, unfiltered) once I feel the whites can be washed off.

REPLY   3      

Shirley (Toronto, Canada) on 06/18/2007
4 out of 5 stars

I spilled an entire coffee filter, filled with water that had come to a rolling boil, all over my right hand. Firstly, I'm no baby, and I'm well versed in both Scottish and Afro/Cuban cures. Tea made with appr. 20 bags, pot half full, add water, dip cloth & put cloth in freezer. Alternate with the egg white cure. Unfortunately, the burn was so bad that the egg whites were cooking on my skin. Although I'm great in a crisis, that completely grossed me out. Burn covered palm, fingers, halfway up arms, but with help of friend was reduced to top half of hand. Didn't prick blisters, I kept it dry. Was in some schock, which I believe was reduced by friends' company. A local nurse agreed we did a great job. Here's the rub. I've been keeping it clean & dry - someone bought me a chlorhexidine dressing - i thought use for 2 hours, but unfortunately with the trauma of the week, fell asleep with it on. I'm resourceful, and could find NO product monograph on the web for this. Now wound was completely wet. My behaviour yesterday indicated trauma...3 days later...any thoughts???

Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/01/2004
4 out of 5 stars

Generally aloe vera oil and vaseline with some peppermint oil will handle well in burn situation, Vaseline gauze keeps the wound from being caught with airborne bacteria and aloe vera helps accelerate the tissue repairs for the burn well. The Ancient Egyptians applied honey to the burns and they have been doing right up to the ancient Greek.