Aluminum Foil for Burns

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Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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Aluminum Foil for Burns

5 star (174) 
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1 star (4) 

Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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Aluminum Foil for Burns

5 star (174) 
4 star (3) 
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Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing with another story about using foil to cover a burn. Redundant, yet had I had not run across this cure in the "latest posts" so often, I might not have thought of it when I burned both hands badly in a cooking accident. As it happened, once I collected myself I asked my daughter to break a couple of eggs into a plate while I ran water over my hands. Then I worked the eggs through my fingers until the egg had heated up to about room temp. I had read about this somewhere: It felt heavenly! After I rinsing, we created foil mitts around my hands, pressing the foil down between the fingers. When my hands would start to feel too hot, I cooled them down by waving them in the air and a couple of times, I had to pull the mitts off and run water over them again. I went to sleep in those mitts, but they came off in the night. Next morning, there was very little discoloration, very light stinging, and there were no blisters at all. Amazing! I went through the day performing my usual chores and 2 days later, the nerves in my hands were completely calmed and the color was back to normal. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who wrote in to tell of this cure, which turned out to be so helpful to me in my time of need.

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Irma (Kansas City) on 08/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil didnt work for me, as soon as I put it on seemed its hurting even more. Burnt my finger making breakfast for my hubby, the glass plate was too close to the frying pan (damn lack of counter space) and my thumb just stuck to the plate, never experience aburnt so bad, blister in all shades of white popped up seconds later and cool running water didnt even seem to help, so even tho ure not suppose to I put ice cube on it, tht seemed to stop the pain and ofcourse we have immediate errands to run after breakfast so I got in the car with a cup full of ice. Good while its on, as soon as I remove my finger its hurts BAD. So when I finally got home found this, tried foil, sorry but I almost shat myself from pain lol then I went for alcohol, 91% rubbing alcohol, filled up a shot glass n stuck my thumb in it, first couple of minutes it stang like hell but started getting better after a while, then after keeping my thumb in alcohol I put sum toothpaste on, I can still feel it n it stings but nowhere as bad as it was before, so thnk you guys!

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Burning Up (Mesa, Az) on 07/24/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I was making rice on my stove, wrestling with the pot cover that sometimes will not fit on the pot. I wrestled a little too hard and tipped the pot of boiling water over, spilling it all over my right hand. Living in AZ in July, I have no cold water running from my faucet. I had to pour a bowl of referigerated filtered water and soak my hand in that. With my left hand I started Googling home remedies on my iPhone. I tried everything I could find, from onion juice to potato slices. In the end I had to settle for a cold compress to keep the pain away.

After about 5 hours, I finally found this site with people recommending foil. Decided to give it a try, but the foil made my hand burn so much I had to smother my foiled hand in the cold compress. After about an hour of holding my hand this way, I decided to change out the foil. Weird thing: as soon as I took the foil off, the burning went away. The pain has come back but nowhere as intensely as it had been before. Not sure if I'll try the foil again, but the cold compress is going to snuggle in bed with me tonight.


Dan (London, Uk) on 07/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

First day of the school holidays, time to mow the lawn so the kids can play. Out comes the old lethal petrol mower. 'Stay back kids, it's got a big blade and it's very dangerous.' Twenty minutes later and it's not working properly. So I reach down and pointlessly touch the exhaust plate. Three burnt fingers literally sticking to the plate as the flesh cooks away. Screaming, shouting, point safely made about the dangers of the lawnmower. Two hours of ice packs later, it was still like i'd just burnt them. Found this site. Utterly brilliant. Top tips: tin foil should be shiny side down on the burn. Also, crumpling foil helps. And wrap around the bottom with sellotape/scotch tape to seal. I look like a rubbish version of the Terminator, my kids have called me 'silly' for the past few hours, but 30 minutes later and the pain is all but gone. KEEP THE FOIL ON, THIS TOTALLY WORKS!!!

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Karen (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The aluminum foil is a true miracle worker. I burned my fingertips from pulling a pan out of a 425 degree oven w/ a hand towel (dumb move). I was instantly burned & could see slight blistering take effect right away. I ran my fingertips under cold water, which works like a charm if you want to stand there for two hours wasting water. Then I resorted to using frozen bags of veggies or whatever type of frozen goods I had in my freezer that would fit my hand comfortably. It did ease my pain, but the second I would let go, the pain comes right back. I was tired of temporary relief, I was desperate to sleep!! Low & behold, I finally went online (took me long enough) & found this wonderful website about using aluminum foil. OMG, I'm in such disbelief how quickly the pain disappeared. My fingertips are happy again! & I was so amazed I had to share my story to how foil became my sandman! I can now sleep in peace. Thanks for reading!

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Eve (Milwauke, Wiscomsin) on 07/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Long story short, burned myself (again! ) on the grill cover. VERY hot. Went searching for some relief after holding a cold pak on two fingers for 30 min. They are now wrapped in foil and it is working.... Who knew??!! Tough to type but the pain is subsiding!!!

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Karen (Ephrata, Washington, Usa) on 07/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As you can probably tell by the date that this was written- July 5th- what this one is related to.

So I was at my daughters house for the 4th last night and we were doing the obligatory sparklers and such. As we are doing this I was trying to recall the ICD-9 codes for accidental burns and blown off fingers due to fireworks. I used to work at a hospital and I would type up the emergencies from the previous night. So of course I always dreaded the 5th of July.

My son-in-law was lighting some Small Bee Spinners in his hand and throwing them in the air, I liked the effect and in all my experience and wisdom I thought.... "hey I should try that"..........

Anyway...after I washed the black scorch marks off my thumb left by the fuse I could see that my skin had turned white and I was getting a blister. The pain was searing and unrelenting. I drove home and immediately went to Earth Clinic and tried the aluminum foil. Within 15 minutes the pain had subsided enough that I was able to sleep. I removed the foil this morning and the blister has gone down and it feels fine. I am impressed!

Thank you to all of you who share your remedies and experiences! And I guess I can add an obvious remedy... Prevention... Do not light fireworks while holding them, duh.


Erica (Chandler, Az) on 06/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I burnt my hand on the oven rack last night getting pizzas off the rack. The pizza slid off so fast my left hand had a washcloth, my right hand an oven mitt. The wash cloth dropped out of my hand and my reaction grabbed the oven rack. I had my hand under cold water on and off for 2 hours, mostly had a cold rag tightly wrapped around it. It continued to keep burning. I took tylenol within a half hour after it happened, but the pain barely decreased. I got online immediately as I hoped running cold water was the best first thing to do, than what the next best thing to do was.

I reviewed about 8 websites with different home remedies and found this site with the foil. I thought it was just a hoax and my husband would call me a sucker, but I wrapped my fingers with foil. I didn't use long enough foil so I kept it on for just a few minutes and went back to the cold rag. It was getting close to bed time so I figured to give it another try since my hand was still burning and it was over 2 hours later. I wrapped it with foil and taped it onto my finger and than wrapped the cold rag around it. Within minutes the heat was lifted. Since I was going to sleep I put a storage bag around my hand and secured it with a hairtie, so I could sleep with the rag on. I figured I would remove it soon after, but I slept for hours through the night, before I took the bag and the rag off. A few hours more I took the foil off, and put aloe and the bag back on so I didn't get wet aloe all over the place. I had 3 burns on my hand, the palm side of my thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Before I put the foil on my finger I could see that the burns were beginning to blister, but the skin color was the same, not red, just barely a pink shade darker.

This morning, my hand looks normal, feels 95% normal. The burns feel like tight skin, a little warm burning, but nothing compared to the fire burning feeling from last night. Great idea, I was so skeptical, but definetely worked.

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Emp (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/23/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holey moley!!! This really works! I burned two fingers with hot oil while trying to season a wok. Cold water felt great but I couldn't leave my hand in cold water forever. I tried toothpaste. It worked for about 2 minutes and then the PAIN was back. I tried baking soda. That worked until the paste dried up. The PAIN was back. So I found this site. Foil?? Yeah right. But the PAIN throbbing in my hand said "Don't knock it until you've tried it. " So I tried it. I'm so glad I did. It still hurts but now it's pain instead of PAIN. And it's getting better. I will have foiled fingers for the rest of the day. Thanks for the advice.

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Peggy (Mentone, Ca Usa) on 06/20/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I steam burned my finger badly tonight removing covering form veggies cooking in micro. Not knowing you aren't supposed to apply ice that is what I did immediatly and then continued to apply for about two hours. I also tried fresh aloe vera from garden and a cream with a numbing ingrediant and neither worked. I came to the computer to do some research and found this site. I first wrapped in foil with ice compress but not much relief and finally removed compress. I still have some pain but it is so much less I can'r believe it and I may even be able to sleep which I feared I wouldn't with the amount of pain I was having. I am amazed and will share this remedy with friends and family! Thank YOU!!!!!!

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