Aluminum Foil for Burns

5 star (174) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (4) 

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

 View Entire Thread

REPLY   1      

Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      

Aluminum Foil for Burns

5 star (174) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (4) 

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

 View Entire Thread

REPLY   1      

Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

 View Entire Thread

REPLY   1      

Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      

Aluminum Foil for Burns

5 star (174) 
4 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (4) 

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

 View Entire Thread

REPLY   1      

Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

 View Entire Thread

REPLY   1      

Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      

Jane (Pawleys Island, SC) on 11/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I discovered this years ago on Earth Clinic years ago and it works!

I am so thankful for this site.

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Sara (CO) on 11/07/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been using this method for years after reading it here on Earth Clinic and I just wanted to say it does work. We have a glass top stove and the other day I managed to set my hand down on a burner I had recently used. Immediately I ran it under cool water for about 30 seconds and then covered it with foil right away, shiny side out. It took the pain away pretty quickly and healed completely in the time it took to sit down and watch a TV show or two. I've used this method for every burn I've had and it always works and there's never a mark or scar afterwards. Thank you EC and other users!
REPLY   6      

Melissa (Albuquerque ) on 02/20/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Aluminum foil works very well for stopping a burn from further damaging skin. I spilled boiling water on my left arm and wrist. Immediately ran cold water on it then wrapped with foil dull side facing the wound. It Stung like crazy for nearly an hour. I then added the baking soda and covered with foil and wrapped in plastic bag. About 5 hours later the skin is a little red with no blisters.
REPLY   3      

Lindylou (Manchester Uk) on 09/28/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I really burnt my palm and fingertips on my electric stove. I came across this method and give it a try. Putting the shiny side to my palm didn't work for me, so I used the dull side. I've got to say, it reduced my pain by 80%.
REPLY   4      

AS (London) on 04/14/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

I burned the back of my left hand and fingers this morning, very painfully, under the boiling water tap of our sink. I put it under gently running cold water for a few minutes. I didn't allow any thinking "what a stupid mistake etc" but just replaced that sort of thought with knowing that all would be well. Fear is the mental component of physical I quieted fear. Easy to do when I knew that I would find help on Earthclinic! I didn't have aloe in the house but did find a jar of 100MGO Manuka honey. I slathered it on and wrapped my hand with two layers of foil, pinching it very gently (!) to fit and then duct taping it. The pain was intense for about 40 minutes...I was ready to give up and try something else when I noticed the pain level go from 9-10 to 5-6 ...and then down to about 1. Only the base of my thumb now in pain. The relief was so lovely! Now the foil is off except for the thumb and there is still a fine slick of Manuka over the hand, like a second skin. No redness. Pain negligible.

Thank you brilliant Earthclinic! I'm so grateful.

REPLY   4      

Marilyn (Canada) on 04/22/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Burned my hand by picking up a lid that had been in the oven. Ran my hand under lukewarm water for about 10 minutes and then went to the computer for 'help'! Read the honey/foil tip and after applying honey and foil for about an hour - pain gone and it kept the damage to a minimum. Will certainly do this again in the future (should I be so silly as to touch a 'hot pot' again!

Thanks so much for the tip.

REPLY   3      

Tealover (Henderson, Nv) on 08/28/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the grate on my stove and burned a hole in my finger. The skin melted and the burn was very deep. I immediately soaked my finger in iced vinegar for 30 mins. Then saw this on Earth Clinic regarding the aluminum foil. I cut a strip and wrapped it around my finger, like a bandaid, shiny side up. It hurt worse for 10 min., then suddenly NO pain. I left the foil on overnight and by the next morning, the burn looks amazing! No blister, the hole is almost healed! Wish I had known about this yrs ago!
REPLY   8      

Marta (Salt Lake City) on 06/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I touched the oven grill removing pizza last night and gave myself a bad slash burn on the top of my arm. First I ran it under cold water, then I wrapped the burn in aluminum foil. After a few minutes the pain subsided. Overnight I left the foil on but saftey pinned a kitchen towel around the foil so the crunching sound wouldn't wake me up. Next morning, no pain and looked much better. Now I'm just adding fresh aloe to the burn.
REPLY   5      

Juliet (California) on 06/04/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Crazy idea but worked awesomely. Burned hand on BBQ, applied ice, hunted Earth Clinic for remedies and saw "FOIL".. What!!! Yes, foil is absolute perfection. Made a robot-looking hand cover and the pain was completely gone before an hour was up. Left it on for a few hours and then switched to an handmade aluminum bandage (foil and nothing else OVER THE BURN and then tape on the edges of the foil to attach to my hand) Be sure you have nothing but foil over the burn and place the tape only on the edges of the foil so you can adhere the foil bandage to your skin. Left it this way for the rest of the day and all night. Absolutely no pain the whole time, and then removed the foil bandage in the morning.

PS - When I replaced the Robot Hand Foil contraption for the foil bandage, the burn let me know it was still active. However, it only took minutes for the pain to be completely gone again after I applied the foil bandage and left it on. Just leave the foil on!

REPLY   6      

Deirdre (Atlanta ) on 11/09/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi everyone,

I got a 2nd degree burn last Thursday when I transferred boiling soup to my very powerful Vitamixer blender and turned it on, not realizing it was set to high and it blasted me all over with the soup I had just taken off the stove. I didn't realize the setting had been left on high when it was stored (definite design flaw). I was covered with clothing thankfully, except for my left sleeve, which I had just rolled up, so that was the only part exposed. My left hand had been holding down the lid and the liquid exploded through the sides of the lid when I turned it on and it hit hard under my arm.These professional blenders are very powerful and because of that, very dangerous.

I immediately covered my entire arm below the elbow with aluminum foil, shiny side in. It took away the pain in about a minute and I left the tin foil on all night. Because there was no pain, I didn't realize I had a 2nd degree burn and didn't bother to look at my skin. The next morning I had 2 blisters. One of them kept growing and growing and then burst when I removed the bandage. Sorry, gross, uggh. I have never had a burn this bad. Now I know that if you have a 2nd degree burn blister, work very hard so that it does not burst!! It makes it sooooo much worse!

I went to the pharmacy and decided to buy silver gel for the burn with non-stick pads (petroleum emulsion) and 2 additional gauze pads on top of that. I am changing the bandages twice a day and the wound is not getting infected, but it's taking a long time to heal, especially the huge blister that burst. No new skin is growing... it's very raw and incredibly painful when I change the bandage. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am now on day 4. The pharmacy carried 2 brands of manuka honey bandaids for a hefty price, so I opted to go for a tube of silver. Is it too late to apply manuka honey?

At any rate, please be careful with the aluminum foil.. it's so great taking away pain, you may not realize you have a 2nd degree burn!

REPLY   5      
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