Ayurvedic Remedies for Breast Cancer

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Tenny (Kochi, India) on 01/16/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Ayurvedic Remedy for Liver Restoration

300 gms of aloe vera-washed n chopped

1/2 ltr of honey

4tbs of brandy

Beat all this well , and refrigerate if required. Have 1 tbs an hr before each meal. That would be 3 times per day, get the mix to room temp before ingesting it. This course is to be had for 10 days and then a 10 day gap should be taken. Ayurveda says that this mix is so strong that there is a tendency for it to do away with all the good bacteria in the colon as well. The 10 day gap is for the replenishment of this bacteria, which are an essential part of your gastrointestinal tract. Continue this as long as the problem persists. My mom's been using this for the last 7mths. She has stage4 breast cancer. She's been having it along with the graviola fruit whenever available and tablets whenever scarce. She also has soya milk and cod liver capsules in her diet.