Apple Cider Vinegar for Bone Density

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Barbara (Highway Gardens, Edenvale South Africa) on 01/20/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar. Bone density. I am 63 -Smoke , take cortisone, and do no exercise at all. Went for a Bone density Test - first one ever. I take ACV every day to help with weight , colesterol etc. My bone Density test was well above the normal for my age on the positive side and the readings were on the side were as there seems to be in most cases a % of bone loss. I can only think it is due to ACV. The person doing the bone scan said she had NEVER seen this result of positive bone before. Does any one know about ACV achiving this for Bones? My Doctor said Just keep doing what ever it is your doing.
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