Wheat Grass for Body Odor

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Jkl42011 (Lansing, Mi) on 10/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I will not go into detail concerning the torture that I went through for almost 2 years searching for a cure for underarm odor. But, I will say that I tried it all!!

I wasted alot of money buying things to treat a symptom. Eventhough I thought I was pretty healthy. I eat the right things, excercise, drink water, take whole food supplements, etc. But, this smell would not go away!! To combat this issue internally. I started out with a colon cleanser that didn't do the trick. The very first day that I consumed 7 wheat grass tablets. It did the trick (My body was toxic. ) Now all that I use for deodorant is Coconut Oil, and I got my normal fresh smell back. To God be the glory!!