Milk Of Magnesia for Body Odor

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Tonya (Fl) on 08/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hello I'm 52 and never had arm pit oder but I think the change in hormones has changed my chemistry. I’be tried so many natural deodorants and I just smell myself through the scent.

M.O.M (milk of magnesia) has been the savior! If you put it in a roll-on deodorant bottle you can add one drop of lavender or lemon oil or whatever antibacterial essential oil you like. it's all day odor protection.

REPLY   5      

Rose (San Diego, Ca) on 12/16/2013
5 out of 5 stars

It's a miracle!!! I'm an avid Earthclinic reader so when I started stinking in my armpits non-stop about 1.5 years ago I started trying the suggested remedies. I tried ACV, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda...well just about everything and nothing worked. I smelled extremely strongly of some musky scent that was overpowering. It would go into my clothes and they reeked. I finally was at my breaking point when on 2 recent occasions I had someone ride in my car and they practically were gagging and clawing their way for air - how humiliating. I had never had a BO issue and did not have to use deodorant in the past. I recently ordered a bunch of products on the internet, including Hibiclens which users said will wipe out the bacteria that causes the BO. In the meantime I tried MOM (Milk of Magnesia). I poured it in an empty roll-on container and applied it to my pits. I couldn't believe it, but after a few hours I was smell free. My clothes were smell free too! I have been using MOM when I get up and when I go to bed and it has eliminated the problem. I'm not sure if this will continue to last, but hoping it will because right now I am so happy and relieved to be smelling like a rose.
REPLY   10      

Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/17/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Body/underarm odour. Yeah.

Milk of magnesia has long been used to get rid of body odour. Alas it is no longer available for sale in Australia, but there are aluminum-free deodorants online made with milk of magnesia. It worked a treat for my smelly pits - finally, something that worked!

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Leesa (El Cerrito, Ca, Usa) on 11/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Milk of Magnesia is AWESOME! I have had an odor problem and tried so many things that did not work. I would start to smell after taking a shower? All I know is the MOM works like a charm for me. I emptied one of my old roll-ons and added MOM and ready to go. Must dry before you put your clothes on. Good Luck. Thanks!
REPLY   4      

Back2nature (Washington, Dc) on 07/13/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have struggled with body odor all of my life. I was always the kid that got the "outdoors" smell after playing. I was using Arrid XX-Dry as a pre-teen. Then, I was forced to rotate deodorants and soaps/body wash to tame the BO problem. Arm & Hammer's Naturals line was working for me up until recently when my BO started to rage. I stumbled upon the MOM solution. I'm not sure why it took me years to locate this type.

MOM gets the job done. Here are a few tips to making MOM cure you BO:

1. Thoroughly wash your trouble area(s) with a CLEAN and/or new cloth.

2. Either use a natural soap or home ready that will clean your arms pits (note: a loofa maybe helpful to in eliminating dead skin).

3. Clean your clothes thoroughly. I used Odoban in my rinse cycle to cut the odor and/or bacteria that may have harvested in my clothes.

4. Get a small spray bottle and add MOM. Apply to clean and dry arm pits. Allow to fully air dry before applying on clothes. For those with darker complexions, applying oils after the MOM has dried will eliminate "deodorant" stains on the arm pits.

Now go out and be BO free :-)

REPLY   5      

Annrae (Manassas, Virginia) on 08/30/2011
5 out of 5 stars

This is a miracle! I still sweat from my hyperhidrosis, but the smell is gone!! Even my feet no longer smell! Milk of Magnesium has saved me so much embarassment I can't believe it. As an added bonus, the skin under my arms is no longer irritated and bumpy-it is smooth just like any other part of my body. Try it-it is the ONLY thing that has worked for me!
REPLY   5      

Ts (Orlando, Florida) on 04/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have tried several different formulas over the years, suffering from underarm odor since a teen. Clinical deodorants, natural deodorants, salt crystal, tea-tree oil, witch hazel, and NOTHING has worked as well as MOM has. I have only been using it for a week now, but I hope it lasts for me as long as some users have reported. Before, I did not have profuse sweating, but immediately after showering I could notice an odor. Alternatives to aluminum-based deodorants would work for a couple of days, but this is actually going over a week now on MOM and I'm super happy about it.

I find using a small spray bottle works best for application, I purchased mine in the travel/trial-size product area of the local pharmacy. I spray one spray under each arm before bed and after showering, and allow to dry before dressing, and have no trouble with odor now AT ALL. I still sweat mildly, but it's natural for our bodies to eliminate sweat, so I'm not worried about that. It was just the BO and now it's GONE! I highly recommend this to anyone, it's a cheap and effective solution.

REPLY   2      

Cat (Austin, Tx) on 07/24/2010
5 out of 5 stars

MOM (Milk of magnesia) as a deodorant works sooo well! Without reapplying, my armpits stay dry and have NO smell. It is all I ever use now. My unconvinced husband, after much cajoling, decided to try it too. He's my big hairy guy who has rotated so many deodorants. They all worked for a couple of hours then quit. Not so milk of magnesia. It works outstandingly for him and he tested it a couple of days, constantly smelling his armpits. It was hilarious. Now, it is all HE uses as well. Bonus? He's more inclined to listen when I give him natural remedies, particularly when they are as cost effective as MOM. I think this much-needed site is pure genius. Peace out!
REPLY   3      

Amber (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on 02/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Milk of magnesium works better than deodorant! Just rub it in under your arms, let it dry and away you go. I have used it for a week now and will continue to do so. Even if you work out hard (you'll still sweat) but you wont stink!
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Ann (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/21/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Several months ago I started using milk of magnesia for underarm odor. Just rub a little under the arms and let dry before putting on your clothes. It works great - even better than the antiperspirant I had used for years. It doesn't contain harmful aluminum and and the magnesium is good for you.
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