Natural Remedies for Body Odor

Body Odor Natural Remedies

Body odor is an embarrassing situation which can become discouraging if deodorants, bathing and perfume fail to address the problem. Some short term solutions to body odor can even cause health problems. Natural remedies for body odor such as activated charcoal and diy deodorants eliminate body odor and can resolve underlying issues that cause it in the first place.

Many products on the market are designed to cover odors with a stronger scent or stop the body from sweating. Neither is a good solution. Covering odors does not address the problem that caused odor. Usually this solution only ends in two strong smells – the odor itself and the overpowering smell of the scented product.

Products that stop the body from sweating are interrupting a necessary bodily process. Sweating helps the body to cool off and get rid of toxins. Aluminum is commonly used in deodorants to stop sweating. Unfortunately, there is concern that aluminum may contribute to cancers and Alzheimer’s disease.

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    List of Remedies for Body Odor