Honey And Castor Oil for Blepharitis

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Stephon (Serbia) on 01/04/2015
4 out of 5 stars

I am suffering from this condition for 3 years. My current own therapy is:

-face wash and warm compress 10 minutes (when I wake up)

-ordinary honey on lids 10 minutes, face wash, lid cleaning with q-tip (15h and 19h)

-face wash and warmcompress 10 minutes (before midnight)

-castor oil (2 drops) mixed with tea tree oil (1 drop), before I go to sleep, around midnight

It's better but not cured, will keep doing this for few weeks. Will try manuka honey if this fails, and/or get another oil instead of castor (coconut, or fish oil with omega supplements)