Alka Seltzer for Bladder Infections

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RO (New York, New York) on 11/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

for Urinary Tract infections use Alka Seltzer the original - it works!
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London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 10/17/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

Alka Zeltzer did not work for my UTI. I did it for a couple of days, didn't work at all.
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Lia (Atlanta, GA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

yes, it works right away!! just tried the original alka seltzer and soooo glad i did. well worth a try!!

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Dana (Fort Worth, Texas) on 12/16/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi! I had the definate beginnings of a UTI last night, and it was getting worse. I took magnesium and zinc, tried to drink sea salt in water (didn't make it too far, since burning pee is bad enough w/o drinking an emetic), and then took the alka seltzer. So, it could've been a combination of these remedies, but as soon as I took the alka seltzer it was GONE. Woo-hoo! Just thought it needed more emphasis as a possible remedy, it's something you might have around the house (b/c these things always seem to hit at night! Why is that?!), and it won't hurt anything to give it a try, as compared to trying to drink salt water or ACV, either of which to me are worse than the infection. Oh, and I just remembered I also drank some lemon juice in water last night, so maybe that helped some too. Hope this helps somebody!
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Mari (Santa Cruz, CA) on 08/12/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

After drinking a whole bottle of 100% cranberry juice to cure a bladder infection, I tried the Alka-Seltzer cure I read about on this web-site. It worked almost immediately! Thank you for supplying this useful information.
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Tina (Oak Park, Michigan) on 06/05/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I recently had a uti that went from urgency to pain complete with blood in urine in less then 30 minutes. I immediately left work and went to purchase some alka seltzer. Took two tablets dissolved as instructed and drank it. It almost instantly relieved the pain, burning, and pressure I felt. It works!!!!!
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Vanessa (Orange, NJ) on 04/27/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered from Urinary Tract Infection because my boyfriend and I kept passing it to each other. I read of Alka Seltzer to do the trick and Thank God ! I recently had an episode where I thought I had to urine and only a few drops of urine would exit and uh-oh! I started to feel the burn again-Alka Seltzer immediatly flushed it out.
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