Gum Spirits Of Turpentine for Bed Bugs

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Victoria (Edinburgh, Scotland) on 03/02/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Gum Spirits of Turpentine for Bed Bugs:

** I used 100% pure gum spirits of pine tree resin turpentine, not petroleum based paint thinner **

Somehow bed bugs managed to get into my house last year. I spoke to pest control and he said it had 'probably' crawled onto me from public transport (!!! Now I'm afraid to get on the bus !!!). I think it's from my neighbours though, ngl.

I'm a holistic therapist so immediately went to natural remedies to annihilate the beasties! I used Diatomaceous Earth on the floor and I made up a spray of filtered water, turpentine, white vinegar, borax and cinnamon oil and sprayed it on everything. You need to continually shake it up when spraying as the oils separate - it really annihilates them quickly, but you need to be stringent and make sure you keep it up for days/weeks/ months to ensure any newly hatched ones get destroyed too. Spray it on all furnishings, mattress, pillows, cushions, carpets, the clothes you are wearing lol, your shoes, bags (!), it will not stain and smells good imo! I sometimes spray it on my skin before bed too. Anything to avoid the bites, I get bad reactions, they are huge red lumps and so itchy for weeks. I was so desperate to stop the itching, I actually found that rubbing my urine on the bites in the shower with a cloth for a good few minutes stops the itching after a few applications, it also heals them quicker - some of you may be disgusted - but Urine Therapy is an ancient remedy. Anything it takes to stop the constant itching!

I also washed my clothes on hot wash with borax and vinegar. Took neem supplements and also a half teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of turpentine every few days to ensure that any remaining bugs that bite me are disabled and have their reproductive cycles impaired. I also believe that supplementing with ivermectin would do the same thing...

Turpentine is a strong anti-parasitic/anti-candida though so if you've never done any sort of detox and start to take it - you will experience powerful detox reactions I.e colds/flu/rashes/headaches etc. Be careful.