Monolaurin for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Chris (Albuquerque, NM) on 10/10/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Had a mild case going on for over a year. Boric Acid suppositories DO work, but it'd come back a week later. My Acupuncture Dr recommended Monolaurin, which is a capsule you take orally. It is the antibacterial factor in coconuts. She thought I had too much gut bacteria, so the acidopholis was fighting my gut health, and unable to make it to my female area. She told me I'd have bad stomach pain from the die off in my gut. Oh and was she right. I was drinking Pepto Bismal for a week. Then, I was fine, and my BV has never come back! Now my probiotics can get to where they need to go. I take the Monolaurin every day now. Has helped clear up my constant sinus issues as well.