Low Carb Diet for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Jennifer (Atlanta, Ga) on 04/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

OK...this is crazy! I have been battling with BV for at least 6 months. I have tried absolutely everything that I've read from this site (and then some). Nothing seemed to completely work...only for a day or so. I was sick of taking things and shoving stuff up there! I had about given up, until I had an unexpected discovery. This is so weird and I'm curious to see if this has worked for anyone else out there. Last Sunday (so 5 days ago) my husband and I decided to hit the NO CARB diet hard...in trying to get swim suit ready. I kid you not, the next day, that horrible spell was almost absolutely GONE! I thought....no way! So it's been 5 days and NO itching, NO smell, NO discharge...i cannot believe it! And I feel like a new person. I really want to know if anyone else has experienced relief this way. Apparently, the SUGARs were doing my body wrong and giving the Bacteria a feeding frenzy. Now my body can fight back on it's own....no pills, no douche, no nothing!!

I love this new discovery....anyone else out there tried this. You should try it if nothing else has worked...I could tell something good was happening the very next day!

Good luck and I wish you all the BEST!