Lemons for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Brittney2 (Chicago, Illinois) on 05/31/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hi ladies! If you're on this site, you were like me, struggling to get rid of this stupid bv! I went to the gyn for a yeast infection and I found out I had bv as well! I took both the oral and vaginal medication for this! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't insert anything into the vagina including the peroxide! Your vagina is super sensitive.. I tried folic acid, probiotics, inserting vitamin c, I can't even remember all that I did! I got BV in December 2014 and it is now June 2015. but for 2 months all I've been doing is drinking lemon water! FRESH lemons. What I do is squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons into water from my tap and add a little sugar and it tastes like lemonade honestly! I do that everyday and my symptoms have gone away! Minimal discharge!!!!!!! I never experienced the fishy smell though. But PLEASE try this. I went online everyday for hours looking for a cure and I just thought that this would be something I would have to deal with forever. But I drink the lemon water, I don't use soap when I wash myself down there in the shower and I ALWAYS pee & shower after sex. PLEASE try these tips. I was just like you a couple months ago. good luck girls! I completely know what youre going through
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Fifi (Ontario, Canada) on 06/30/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My bv problem got out of control again. So decided to drink as much lemon and water as possible. I believe I have BV because my body is very acidic and I'm in need of more alkaline foods(google it). So far I'm far less itchy. Try more alkaline foods and stop eating acidic foods
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Chrysalis (Los Angeles, California) on 04/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello sisters. I just came down with BV for the first time in my life. I feel all of your pain. BV is unacceptable! I strongly believe the underlying problem that causes BV (and tons of other ailments) is an overly acidic body. The standard American diet (SAD) perpetuates an acidic body, which is a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses. Healthy body functions depends on an ALKALINE environment. You do need to shift your diet if you want to beat BV for the long haul. There is lots of info online about which foods help promote an alkaline body. You need to eliminate all of the things that we intuitively know are bad - sugar, coffee, processed foods, dairy, meats, bread. Sorry, I know this sounds impossible. Also, try reading "The pH Miracle" by Robert Young. A quick way to alkalize your body is a lemon/baking soda concoction. Add about a 1/2 tsp of baking soda to a glass of water with half or whole fresh lemon. Sweeten with a couple drops of stevia if necessary. I drink this twice a day when I feel a cold coming on and it stops it every time. I also eat several cloves of raw garlic. So the moral of the story - ALKALIZE ALKALIZE ALKALIZE. I promise you will feel better. Good luck.
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Anonymous (Sandusky, Ohio) on 09/21/2010
5 out of 5 stars

After countless remedies that all do seem to help, I think I finally stumbled onto something that cured my BV for good. Lemon juice. One whole medium sized lemon squeezed in a large bottle of water drank all day everyday for 7 days, will cure BV. Whenever I feel it comin on, I do it, until symptoms are gone. Ive done coconut oil, oregano oil, every kind of vitamin, yogurt, capsules in the vag, boric acid, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and peroxide douches, ALL OF IT. Vitamin C, is the most important thing. And alot of it.
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Mel (Gloucester, UK) on 01/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have used dilute lemon juice (jif) to cure thrush for 20 years. I got BV (smell of fish) a couple of months ago for the first time in my life. Around Christmas it occurred to me that if it was caused by pH imbalance, then the lemon juice might work on BV too. It did. I wiped with unfragranced baby wipes onto which I squirted Jif lemon and lime juice. My BV disappeared in 24 hours and I'm back to my old familiar smell. Please pass this on.