Kefir, Oregano Oil for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Cnn (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/08/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Cure BV with Kefir. Plain Kefir has more probiotics than anything you can buy in a pill. Drink it in the morning before your meal and at night before you go to bed. Make suppositories with Kefir and a drop of oil of oregano at night for 7 days to kill the bacteria and restore the friendly bacteria all at once. (mix the oil of oregano with the keifer and store it in the freezer). Break off a piece at night and insert it. (only use a drop of oil or it may be too irritating) Buy sulfate free, and a propylene glycol free body products. Follow a ph balanced diet, and avoid sugar when you can. Add peroxide to your final rinse with your laundry to kill bacteria that may still linger in these items. Avoid tampons. Make kefir a part of your every day drink and it will not return.