Hydrogen Peroxide, Probiotics for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Naturalcat (San Francisco, Ca) on 09/05/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Here are the things I tried for BV and for yeast infection, and what I think worked best for me for each:

boric acid, probiotics, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar.

I feel like the hydrogen peroxide (washing with and douching with) and probiotics (taken both orally and vaginally) work the best for BV, and now I have my natural (and I think actually quite nice) personal smell/taste back down there. I have to say it did take some time, it wasnt instant. I tried boric acid first and thought it would help more than it did, because I do think it along with ACV rinses works great for yeast, but I think boric acid and ACV wasn't so great for BV.

What I did was douche with 50/50 (approx) clean, filtered water and regular H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) frequently at first (about 2-3xs per week) and opened an acidophilous capsule and scooped a tiny bit of that out with a clean cotton swab dipped in coconut oil and inserted it and swirled it around as far as I could go inside my vagina. I did this for about 2-3 weeks while also trying to alkalize my diet more, taking a multivitamin AND ingesting a lot of probiotics in different forms, for the sake of getting a variety of different beneficial bacteria populating into my gut and system. The probiotics I used were Good Belly beverage, Yakult beverage, expensive femme combo probiotic blend (Refrigerated type) and the cheap grocery store dry shelf acidophious capsules. I also took a few cranberry concentrate capsules orally for good measure because it contains properties which are purported to loosen and cleanse away the harmful bacteria that can adhere to the urinary tract. I made sure to take these many times a day at first and slowly ramped down as the symptoms receded.

I slowly backed down the frequency of H2O2 douching, however I still cleanse externally with a 50/50 H2O2/filtered water blend frequently, because I like the idea that is kills bad bacteria but also is a by product of (and therefore not removing) the good bacteria.

One of the keys to my regimes' success that I should also share is that I was sure to keep my hands and everything else I used very, very clean before ever putting it near my vagina. and I washed all my panties and pants with borax to help kill the bacteria that could be living in my clothes. In total it took about 3-6 weeks to completely eliminate all traces of BV in my system, however I have noticed after periods I catch a hint of it in my smell so I did one undiluted H2O2 douche after my period, each period and it seems to keep it from returning. I think one of the important things to keep in mind with douching is to know when to do it, and when not to. I think it is really important to let the vagina balance out and that can be a delicate balance between taking actions (like douching, inserting coconut oil and/or acidophilous) and just gently cleaning the outside but letting it rest and re-balance itself (herself? :)