Goldenseal for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Brittney (Ga, US) on 01/31/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I've had this BV crap for seven years. Reason I had it so long is because I have avoided the doctor because I have a muscle disorder called vaginimus. It's where I unable to insert tampons, suppositories or even have intercourse. My vaginal muscles clamp shut involuntary. I have went to the doctors a few times in the past but they were unable to perform a pap-smear on me due to my disorder. They diagnosed me as a yeast infection and sent me home with antibiotics and creams. Later I read about BV and that sounded like what I had more than a yeast infection. I tried another pap-smear (failed again) and tried to convince my doctor that perhaps my HP level is off due to BV. I had itching, slit burning, red and swollen, white thin discharge that smelled weird. This couldn't be yeast. They sent me home with Flagyl and it hardly did anything but temporary minimize my discharge and itching for three days, I was so disappointed... :(

I decided to try my own approach. This is what has helped me more than anything else:
Take Goldenseal root capsules twice a day for a week. This kills only the bad bacteria and fungi ( if you have a yeast infection too)

Take Folic acid once a day everyday to boost your immune system to fight off bad bacteria.

Take a probotic called Ultimate Flora 50 Billion count by mouth once a day, everyday. (I also would crack open the capsule and pour the powder in my vagina. This puts the good bacteria in you. Also make sure you buy it cold at a vitamin store (EX: I get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe) and put it in the fridge first thing. It has to stay cold to keep the bacteria alive or it will not work as good... :(

Avoid sugar, bread (anything with yeast), and high carb foods.

So far I seem to be system free. I'm waiting for my period to come to see if my symptoms come back. I hasn't been a easy road for me since I can't hardly use any medication vaginally but hopefully this will work for everybody and me. Also I am getting help now for the vaginimus now. I may have to get Botox shots down there but thats another chapter. X(

I hope this works for somebody out there. This is a nightmarish infection that needs more studying.

REPLY   7      

Meghan30 (Dresbach, Minnesota) on 10/15/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from chronic BV for a year and a half! I have tried everything from metronetizole, clindamycin, metro gel, boric acid, acidophilus, folic acid, vaginal probiotics, the list goes on and on.

I finally found a cure.

It may seem like a lot, but I have been BV free for 3 months now and I cant believe it! The secret is goldenseal root. It is a natural antibiotic. I take one goldenseal root pill, 2 cranberry pills (healthy urinary tract-not meant to help BV), one folic acid, one garlic pill, and one probiotic every morning and one goldenseal root, one garlic and 2 cranberry pills everynight. I did that for the first month and have been only taking the morning set of pills for the last 2 months. I have no bv, no abnormal discharge, or cramping like I used to get! It is amazing! My boyfriend and I are finally able to be intimate without having to worry about the dreaded BV. I had a friend recommend Goldenseal root and also, when I was buying it, there was a lady that asked me if I was using it for BV and she told me it was a godsend for her! I am so happy I found this product! I hope it can help other women out as well!

REPLY   7      

Jenniebee (Brooklyn, Ny, United States) on 01/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering from bacterial vaginosis for several years. My doctor had suggested to me that it might be related to a hormone imbalance during my menstrual cycle (most likely caused by my years on birth control pills). I decided to insert a Goldenseal supplement into my vagina during my period. Afterwards, I realized that I had remained BV-free for the rest of the month. I've been doing this monthly and haven't had a problem since.
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London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 06/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Drinking Goldenseal tea works!! That along wth taking massive amounts of vitamin supplements,plain yogurt,acidophilus, and oregano oil capsules twice a day, along with goldenseal tea, 2 cups a day. GUYS, no joke, I got the worse case of BV, e v e r....this went on NONSTOP for 3 months, Im talking, not sleeping at night, cuz of the persistant itching, burning agony, and swollen tissues, (it felt like a bowling ball up in there) it was AWFUL> I have ALWAYS struggled with yeast and vaginal infections, but this was hidious.(I havnt had sex in 3 months either, it was THAT BAD.

Heres what I did: I didnt really douche, because IT NEVER WORKS for me, it always makes things worse. I tried the hydrogen peroxide douche, and altho it did take away the odor, it came after a couple days, and it seemed to make things MORE irritated and infected. I did try coconut oil and castor oil inserted inside the vagina, overnight, and it did kinda help, but not really. I started really seeing results with the supplements, oregano oil and goldenseal tea. (be warned Goldenseal tea tastes like DIRT) very bitter, but it works!!Tried GPE, didnt really work.

In the morning after eating some raison bread, I would take my supplements and acidophilus and yogurt. Then after about 3-4 hours, would do the oregano oil with the tea. Then 3-4 hours later, I would do the tea and oregano oil again. The at bedtime, ALWAYS 2 hours after the tea and oregano, I would take folic acid, vitamin E and acidophilus again. Check my earlier post under supplements to see amounts of what I took. Good luck ladies.

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CleanNSexy (Los Angeles, California) on 04/22/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I got BV 4 yrs ago and the doctor prescribed an anti-biotic that cured it in a week but 10 months ago I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, the next morning I had the symptoms and have been dealing with it ever since because I have no medical insurance. I went through the terrible ordor that came through my clothes, more discharge than normal(went through a lot of panty liners) and minor vaginal itch. I've tried taking Folic Acid and Acidophillus as well as douching with Peroxide and water but the smell, irritation and discharge would come back in a couple of days. About three weeks ago before I started my cycle I inserted a capsule of Golden Seal(an anti-biotic used to cure infections) into my vagina every night before I went to sleep and wore a panty liner to keep from getting discharge stains in my underwear from the Golden Seal leaking out. It has been 3 weeks and there's no odor, no irritation and my discharge went back to normal. It's almost time for my cycle to begin again and there's still no signs of BV. Golden Seal can be bought at any Health food store and I advice all women who are having problems with BV to try it!
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Elizabeth (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/11/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Golden seal cured BV for me.

I've been suffering from BV for 8 months and I've tried Folic Acid and Acidophellus (spell check) but neither worked, I douche with Peroxide and water which only lasted for 3 days but recently I tried finding boric acid and had no luck but I did have Golden Seal which cures most infections so I decided to insert it inside of the vaginal and the next morning I had no signs of BV so I did the same the next night and still no signs the next morning. The only thing is I have to wear a panty liner because it does leak out the next day.

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MJB (Boise, ID) on 12/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I tried everything. Peroxide douch, vitamens the whole works. Im 23 and have BV for about 2 years it was driving me nuts. I read some stuff about goldenseal and BV. I tried a wash and that worked for a few days, the smell came back. Finally I tried a douche with 1 capsule of goldenseal and water. It seems to have done the trick. No fishyness or itch in over a week which is one of the longest stretches I have gone on.