Garlic for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Layla (Miami, Fl) on 01/03/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I'm 16 and even teens get BV too! Garlic cured me! Thank You God and Jesus because he healed me too! Here is my regimen that I did everyday for 2-3 weeks . Even on my period!

Chop up natural whole clove of garlic into tiny pieces

Get a big glass of water
Swallow the entire pieces of garlic like pills
Drink the full glass of water everyday

After wards (5 hours later ) after I step out the shower cleansing myself I would get a tampon covered in natural plain yogurt filled with natural probiotics and stick it in me leave it for 2 hours and remove and rinse myself with water. - once that is over I eat a 170 Gram probiotic yogurt to help balance my ph balance I've done this EVERYDAY for 2-3 weeks and bam! BV is gone!

I still take chopped garlic as pills but every other day because garlic is a natural disinfecting veggi . And making sure to take probiotic pills with rhetui that is found in the vagina strains to keep my ph balance healthy . I prayed to God and Jesus to heal me and please help me find a cure and I did I'm cured!

God is good all the time! Well time to eat some chopped up garlic :)

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Mir (California, United States) on 08/04/2015
5 out of 5 stars

This may be TMI, but I've had a very touchy vaginal ph since I started puberty. Anything could give me BV and yeast infections. Wearing tight clothes, using laundry soap, bubble bath, my diet, any kind of soap, body wash, sexual lubricant, semen, and even condoms. I also always had a yeast infection without fail right before my period. Life (especially in a relationship) was miserable! I went to a few gynos who said there was nothing explicitly wrong at all, and reccomended I cut out sugar most of the way. I did. No changes for a year. I went back to my gyno and was basically told to just 'deal with it' and keep up my usual proper hygiene.

Then my boyfriend's mom told me to cut garlic into small pieces and swallow it with water before bed. Within a few weeks, my vagina was completely tamed, per se. No more BV or yeast infections at the drop of a hat. Life is so much easier now, and more pleasant. Garlic all the way.

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Dani (Norfolk, Va.) on 05/31/2014
5 out of 5 stars

After searching the internet I decided that whole organic garlic cloves was the answer for BV and boy was I right! Of course I discovered the cure right in the middle of a raging yeast infection so I took drastic measures....insertion! I took a clove of organic garlic (the fresher the better you want it to be firm not rubbery) cut it in half and inserted it vaginally . Within minutes I noticed a strong garlic taste in my mouth but expected that from what I had read. Within hours I was noticing relief, the itching wasn't nearly as bad...but it did burn a little. Then when I went pee, I noticed a lot of white stuff floating in the water, like the yeast was draining out of me. I did this for two days and was completely cured...for a few months.

This cycle went on for about a year until it dawned on me that I wasn't being proactive! I started taking organic garlic capsules every day an have been yeast free for years now :) I have a friend that says she doesn't think the garlic capsules work so she just eats a clove or two every day and it works for her too! Hope this helps someone.

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Nikki (Cumming, Ga) on 02/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I struggle with bacterial vaginosis and have it for months and years at a time. I finally found my cure with cloves of garlic. I unpeel a garlic clove, put a few stab holes in it to release the healing juices and insert it in my vagina. After a day or two or three it naturally comes out. I finally cured myself and have been B.V. Free for several weeks now thank god!!!! I did a maintenance type of program with many things that kept the odor at a minimum and the white sticky discharge a little less in thickness with all of the following.

I have tried hydrogen peroxide douches with a few drops of tea tree oil (this kills the bad bacteria that is overgrowing and causing the problem), rePHresh vaginal inserts (these really help with the odor), eating probiotics daily (the refrigerated kind you find at Whole Foods) and elimination of sugar and coffee from my diet (hard to do but actually good for health and diet). Anyways, I just wanted to share this with everyone because I know the stress and aggravation this causes and I really think the cloves of garlic is what really worked this time. It lessened the white discharge within a few days, and it also created a more clear and slippery lubricant in my vagina and that was a relief. I also decided to stop obsessing over it and just tried to maintain it and I think this psychological shift really played a part as well. Best of luck to all women who face this problem. I hope this helps!

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Ms. Remy (Eastern, North Carolina) on 11/04/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been dealing with I thought was a yeast infection then all of a sudden I noticed a foul smelling odor afterwards that was hard to get rid of, however; I just used the garlic gel pills that is 1,000 mg and inserted (2 pills) in my vagina for two days in between those days a discharged occurred but I guess it was normal for that to happen but I am now odor and discharge free. Why? did I do this because when you go to the doctor they give you pencillin and next to that if you can't afford the visit garlic is next in line to cure you. I read this site whereas everyone is using gel pills so I went home and inserted the garlic gel pills instead remind you I had this infection for about a good 3 months and it was getting worse now. I am cured. Just keep washing with dove unscented soap and keep a dry unscented pantiliner on day and night to keep yourself dry. Remember garlic eats yeast and purifies. I advise you all not to douche just keep your system flush with fluid because that vinegar/water douche by equate irritated me that caused this to happen.
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Aminta (Charlotte, NC) on 10/11/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I want to thank for starting this website. It has truly been a blessing to me. I am writing to let you ladies know that, although no one commented that they used fresh garlic as a cure, it really works. I have suffered from BV for 3 yrs (since my husband cheated on me). Every other month after that I was getting recurrences of BV. Like the rest of you, neither the cream's nor pill's got rid of the BV for good. I recently was reading up on how natural garlic heal's so many ailment's. So, I bought so garlic, peeled it and wrapped it in gauze. I tied it with dental floss and inserted it in my vagina once a day, preferably at night before bed. I would remove the garlic every morning before taking my shower. I did this for 7 day's and I am symptom free still today. The bad thing about it is that the smell of garlic doesn't wear off for a while so if you are sexually active often then I wouldn't recommend this home remedy. I hope this remedy help's you ladies. It is alot cheaper on your pocket's. I bought 2 bulb's of garlic for under $1.00.
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